11: Luna

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I make it back home safely. I tiptoe past my sisters' and mum's room as I make my way to my room. I see Rae-na curled up in my bed with a blanket wrapped around her small body. She's clutching on her teddy bear as she snores lightly. I smile at her and try my best to be as quiet as possible when I change and get into bed beside her. Dad's sudden leaving must be hard for her. She's just a little girl after all.

"Luna?" She mumbles and opens her eyes.

"Did I wake you up?" I ask softly.

"Mhm," she sounds and turns to face me.

She nuzzles into my body and I wrap my arms around her as I whisper, "What's wrong?"

"It's weird without dad here and mum is acting strange, she doesn't care about me much anymore," she mutters.

"Things will get better," I say even. "I know mum is trying her best to be happy again."

The young girl nods slowly and sniffs. I hug her tighter and lean my head against hers. I'll never leave her side, I'll be the older sister she needs me to be. I'll protect her and take care of her, just like how Mina looks after me. I'll be Rae-na's role model and I'll love her unconditionally. She'll have the happy childhood she deserves, like any other kid in a happy and whole family.

"Luna?" she asks.

"Yeah?" I murmur with my eyes closed.

"Will dad come back? Will he and mum be together again?"

I hesitate before answering her, although it's clear that dad will never come back. There's no reason for him to be here. He must be at some random girl's house and hooking up with her right now. Even if he really does come back, he's not welcome here. He's toxic to Rae-na, I won't let him come back and I know neither will Mina or mum.

Yet, still I reply, "Maybe. Do you want dad to come back?"

She's quiet for a while, "I don't know."

"I want the old dad to come back," she says as she sobs softly. "I miss it when dad was always smiling and played with me."

"Shh..." I say and rub her back gently. "We can can play together too. You, me, Mina and mum. We'll have fun together, okay?"

"Okay," she replies.

"It's late, we should go to sleep. Close your eyes." I say and kiss the top of her head.


I wake up when I feel someone nudging my arm. I slowly open my eyes and see Rae-na kneeling by my side. She has already changed out of her pyjamas and is wearing a bright yellow dress with a pink bow in her hair.

I groan as I squint my eyes from the sunlight shining through my window, "Why are you all dressed up?"

She's jumping up and down on my bed giddily as she replies, "We're going to have a tea party!"

"Tea party?" I ask in confusion and she nods her head energetically.

I sit up from my bed and reach my hand out to her, "Stop bouncing, Rae-na. You're giving me a headache."

She sits back down on my bed obediently, "Mina says we're going to have a tea party, she decorated the house and I helped out too."

I'm still puzzled as I look at my little sister with a blank expression, "Huh?"

"Just dress up," she says enthusiastically and drags me out of bed.

She dashes out my room with a wide smile plastered on her face.

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