5: Luna

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I'm embracing a stranger. A crying boy. A boy who's girlfriend just passed away. I feel sorry for him. I don't even know him, but I already feel a strong connection towards him. I let him weep on my shoulder.

Minutes pass and the tears stop trickling down his face. He pulls away from me gently and looks up to meet my gaze.

"I'm sorry," he whispers and sniffs.

"It's okay," I reply.

He exhales and we stare back up to the sky.

"Let's make a pact," I say abruptly.

"A pact?" he asks curiously.

I nod, "Yeah, let's make a promise to each other that we'll move on from our pain or at least accept it. Accept reality and don't live in the past. Promise me that you'll move on and love again. And I'll promise you that I'll stop hurting myself and look after my sisters and mum."

He seems to be contemplating about it and he eventually sighs, "Okay. Let's make a pact."

"You don't seem so enthusiastic about it," I say with my eyebrows raised.

"Do I have to?"

"Well, I guess not. But this will be good. For the both of us."

He sighs once again and I pull out my pinky finger for him to link his with, "Pinky promise?"

He scoffs, "Do we really need to pinky promise? How old are you?"

"Just do it," I say and he gives in as he links his pinky finger to mine, sealing the promise. "Don't break the promise, okay?"

"Okay," he says. "You can't break it either."

"Of course," I reply. "I was the one who suggested this, so why would I break it?"

He shrugs, "I don't know if I can accept this promise. I was never able to keep my promises. I don't think I'll be able to move on and fall in love again."

"It'll take time. But, I know you can do it," I say firmly. "We made a pact and pinky promised, you can't possibly chicken out now."

"Fine," he replies.

"Can I ask you a question?" he turns to look at me seriously. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to. If it makes you uncomfortable, I'm sorry for asking."

I nod my head hesitantly. I've already told him things I wouldn't have ever imagined telling a random stranger, so I agree and let him ask me whatever he wants to ask.

"When were you diagnosed with depression and why?" he asks.

I'm slightly taken aback by his question, though I should've known he would ask this

I'm not prepared to answer this question, but I tell him anyways, "When I was 13. It wasn't so serious then, but it got worse when I turned 16. That was the worse year of my life and I even suffered from anxiety. I almost killed myself. Almost. But, let me start from the beginning. I was 12 when my dad came home drunk. I remember that night so clearly, Mum was worrying and crying. Mina, my older sister, looked after her until he came home, whilst I stayed with Rae-na, my younger sister, in her room. He was so drunk, he roared at mum and slapped her. I remember dashing out the room and seeing him shouting. His face was red and he was gulping down a bottle of wine. I was so frightened. Neither my mum or Mina could control the situation. My mum was crying and trembling the entire night. We ended up sleeping in Rae-na's room that night."

Taehyung places his hand on my shoulder to calm me. I don't even realise I'm shaking and tears are brimming in my eyes.

"You don't have to continue," he says softly.

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