3: Luna

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I somehow end up on the bridge. Step by step, I'm strolling along the bridge until I reach the middle. I stand facing the ocean. Shutting my eyes as my hands grip onto the metal railing and letting my hair blow in the wind. I can hear the waves crash and hum beneath me as boats move across the sea. I take a deep breath and I smell the sea's calming, salty scent as I lean my head outwards.

My skirt swishes slightly and I feel its velvety fabric brush against my thighs as cars zoom past me. I smile and stay still. I let my mind wander and let myself unwind.

I enjoy the serenity. I forget that I'm in the city. That I'm standing on a bridge. Instead, I'm on a beach. The waves rumbling onto shore and the cool water running between my toes. The sand is soft and grainy beneath my feet with every step I take. Seagulls are squawking as they soar above me. The smile on my face widens. I let loose and stretch out my arms as if I'm about to take off. As if I'm flying high up in the sky with the warm sun shining on me. As if I'm free.

Cars honking fill my ears and the beach fades away. I'm instantly transported back to reality. The sun no longer shining above me. The waves and sand no longer skimming my feet. I open my eyes and sigh. I turn around and lean against the railing, my back touching the chilly steel frame.

Drip. Drip. Gradually, rain is sprinkling on me. With every drop, the rain becomes heavier. Water splatters as cars drive through puddles. But, I don't budge. The wetness doesn't bother me as I let myself drench in the rain. I close my eyes and face the sky, letting the raindrops smack my face. Letting the rain soak my hair and clothes. People must think I'm insane to be standing like this when it's pouring with rain. My wet hair is sticking onto my face and my clothes are pulling me down from the extra weight of water.

I start to shiver as the icy wind blows. Wrapping my arms around my freezing body, I walk along the bridge. Without realisation, I'm sprinting. Puddles splashing as my feet pounds on the ground. I reach the streets and I'm looking for shelter.

Soon, I find myself standing under the awning of a coffee shop, with my back resting against the brick wall. I see people rushing and scurrying as they attempt to find shelter. I flick my wet hair away from my face and step inside the coffee shop. I'm here anyways and I'm trembling in the cold, so why not get a cup of coffee to warm up until the rain stops. The bell rings as soon as I open the door and the warmth instantly soothes me. I relax and take a seat near the window. A waitress comes to my side to take my order. Within minutes, a hot cup of latte is placed on the table in front of me. The steam drifts into my nostrils. I hold the cup with both of my hands, allowing its heat to transfer to my freezing fingers. I take a sip. The latte is milky and rich in my mouth. Its aftertaste crisp and pleasant as it warms me up.

I lean back against the chair and stare out the window. I gaze at the raindrops clattering and drumming against the fogged-up glass.


Flowers are in my hair and the sun is dazzling on my face. My older sister is chasing me on a field of grass. Mum is smiling with my younger sister, who's only a baby, in her arms. She's sitting on a checkered cloth with my dad.

"You can't catch me!" I shout at Mina and my floral dress billows in the wind as I run.

"I sure can!" Mina replies and she quickens her pace.

Soon, she catches up to me. I shriek and giggle as her arms wrap around me and she lifts me up as if I weigh nothing. She's chuckling in victory as a beaming smile is plastered on my face. She puts me back down and we skip and dance around our parents.

Once we get exhausted, I go to sit on my dad's lap and Mina sits cross-legged beside me. She's teasing and tickling me, making me chortle and screech. Laughter fills the air. We eat together like a jolly family, we act as if we have no care for the world. Like we're living in our own little bubble. Living in eternal happiness.

Rae-na who was asleep the whole time, suddenly awakens and she starts bawling. Our laughter dies down and we turn our attention to the squirming baby in mum's arms. Mum is rocking her gently to comfort her, but she still doesn't stop crying.

Mina and I crawl over to our baby sister and we start cooing her. Trying our best to calm her down with sweet lullabies and making funny faces to make her smile. Within minutes, she's grinning in amusement. Her eyes are twinkling and they form crescent moons as she giggles with only one baby tooth to be seen.


A baby is suddenly screaming and whining, causing me to look away from the window and the memory ends. The cup of latte is no longer hot, so I gulp it down in one go. The rain has stopped, so I stand up to leave. I wander on the streets with no sense of direction. I'll go wherever my feet take me.

Hours go by and it's getting darker. I keep walking and walking, until I'm no longer on the busy streets. Without realisation, I end up at a park. It's quiet and I'm all alone. Wandering along the path and taking in my surroundings, I feel a sense of calmness and safeness here. For a young girl to be alone in an unknown place, I know I should be frightened, but I'm not. Not even a little bit. The stars are like sparkling diamonds that embellish the broad black sky.

I hear crickets chirping in the bushes and owls hooting. Leaves crumble beneath my feet and twigs snap as I walk. I find myself prancing effortlessly and my arms are swaying lazily.

I hear the trickling sound of water, so I slow down my pace and head towards the sound. Just as I thought, I reach a lake. The water is calm as it displays a reflection of the tall trees around it. A bunny is hopping around near the lake. Its nose twitching as it sniffs the grass. I tiptoe over to it, trying my best to not make a sound. Once I'm by its side, I reach my hand out towards it to pet its fur. Its white fur is silky and soft as I brush my hand across its back. I'm surprised that it doesn't run away and it allows me to touch it. A smile appears on my face as I keep stroking it gently with my fingers. I know I shouldn't be touching wild animals like this, but what harm can a little bunny do?

Suddenly, I hear a shuffling sound and a branch snaps behind me. I swiftly turn around and the bunny dashes away to hide in the bushes.

I squint my eyes as I see a figure in the darkness. I stand up and come face to face with a boy. Under the moonlight, his dirty blonde hair seems to be glowing. The next thing I notice is that his clothes and hands are stained with red paint. No, not red paint. Blood.

Is he a murderer? Is he going to kill me? Terror runs through me. I start to freak out and without thinking, I scream in fright. 

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