34: Taehyung

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After I drive Luna back home, I meet up with Jimin and Jungkook for dinner at a small diner near my apartment. We're seated at a booth and enjoying our meals.

"So what is it you want to talk to us about, Tae?" Jimin asks as he gobbles down the last bite of his burger.

"A lot has happened, I don't know if Luna can handle it... I don't even know if I can handle it if more were to happen. It's too much to take in..." I say with a sigh.

Jungkook pats my back, "Whatever happens, we're here for you bro."

"And for Luna too... she just lost a best friend, so we're here for her too," Jimin says brightly. "And, well... I guess I have to comfort Aurora too..."

"Don't tell me you want to back out now?" I say. "Don't forget, it was you who agreed to help me, I didn't force you to."

"I know, and I'm not backing out," Jimin replies. "It's just that the position I'm in right now is kind of awkward..."

"Anyways, tell us whatever is on your mind, Taehyung," Jungkook says and leans back against the seat.

I scratch the back of my head nervously as Jungkook and Jimin stare at me, waiting patiently for me to say something.

"I'm overwhelmed and worried..." I begin to say. "I just overcame my heartbreak from Haneul's death and I found love, but then things are getting more complicated. I'm going through hardships because of Haneul, but Luna is going through hardships too. Her parents divorced, Aurora just admitted that she likes me and is enemies with her now, and today when I was supposed to have a memorable and joyful date with her, another enemy of her's came up to us and said some nasty things her. It's like the universe doesn't want me to have a proper relationship... I feel like I'm going to lose Luna because of her hardships. She's losing herself. She's breaking apart without knowing. She appears smiley and happy when we're together, but I know that deep down inside she's feeling miserable and distressed, and her heart is shattering from the horrid words those girls say to her. I want to help her and I'm trying my best to. Although I'm sure she's honest with what she tells me, I have a feeling she isn't telling me everything. I think she's afraid she'll burden me with her feelings, so she doesn't talk to me about them..."

Jungkook squeezes my shoulder and Jimin smiles sadly at me as he says, "I can understand that both you and Luna are emotional right now, and sometimes you and her are feeling merry, but then the happiness is later ruined, and you're feeling distressed. I think both of you should just be there for each other, comfort each other and just let each other know that you love one another. You don't necessarily have to talk, because as people say: actions speak louder than words."

"Jimin's right," Jungkook says. "Whenever I feel that Coral is feeling down, I just comfort her by staying beside her. I make her a cup of tea and snuggle up beside her on the couch and shower her with kisses."

I nod my head slowly. I suppose they're right. I had fun with Luna at the amusement park today by just being with her. We didn't necessarily talk much, at least not until Hera came up to us. Just kissing her and spending time with her made me contented. I felt the love between us and I enjoyed just being close to her on the Ferris Wheel. Luna probably feels the same way as me. She was laughing and smiling when we joked around and acted lovingly towards each other. She seemed genuinely happy to be with me, so I guess we don't necessarily need to talk, but we can just be there for each other.

"And also ignore the people who want to ruin your relationship, don't let them get to you," Jungkook says. "Forget that they ever existed, that way you and Luna can focus on the love you have for each other. Who cares about Aurora or whoever that has feelings for you or that despises Luna? Just ignore them and show them that their presence doesn't affect you at all. So if they continue nagging you, act as if you're not bothered by them. They'll eventually realise that and move on."

I nod my head once again and sigh, "It's not that easy to do that though. I want to ignore them, but I'm afraid if what they're saying is true... what if I'm just using Luna to mend my broken heart without even knowing that myself? I will never be able to forgive myself if that is true..."

Jimin looks at me seriously and says firmly, "No. I know that's not true. I see the way you look at her, you seem so contented and relaxed. You two belong to each other. Besides, I know that you take things seriously and you wouldn't rush into a relationship that you don't want. But, you made the effort to move on from Haneul and find love for someone else. I know you Taehyung, I know that you would never hurt Luna like that."

Even though Jimin says that, how can I be sure that I can believe in what he says and believe in myself that I'm not using Luna, but I truly love her. She seems to have faith in me and her feelings for me have not changed despite what Aurora and Hera said to her. So I guess I can believe in her and believe that my feelings for her are indeed real. I do love her and I am so so so grateful for her. Every moment I'm with her, I feel at ease and I feel at home. I don't have to be afraid of her judgement and I'm not afraid of showing her my weak-side. I've burst into tears in front of her for a multiple of times, so I'm not afraid of showing her any side of myself, even the bad side. It doesn't bother me to know that she has seen me at my weakest point.

"Don't let anybody say that your love for Luna isn't real. Don't let their words get to you," Jungkook says and pats my back. "You shouldn't let their words affect you so much. Just believe in yourself and believe in your love for Luna."

I breath in and hold back the tears that are brimming in my eyes, "Okay..."

After all this heavy talk, we move on to a lighter topic and joke around before heading back to our respective homes for the night.


I'm all ready for bed and I'm about to lay down on my bed and call it a night, yet I'm disturbed by the sudden ringing of the doorbell. I groan and trudge out of my bedroom and towards the door, wondering who could be here at such a late hour. I ruffle my hair as I open up the door.

Luna is standing outside with tears streaming down her face. I'm surprised when I see her trembling figure and the blood trickling down from a small cut on her arm. She collapses into my arms and sobs into my shoulder. I'm still trying to comprehend what is happening as I stand there stiffly with my mouth wide open in shock.

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