25: Luna

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I'm sitting beside Aurora who's shaking nervously. I take her hand in mine and I nod at her as her parents and sister walk through the door and into the cafe.

She gulps and I squeeze her hand in reassurance as I whisper, "Breathe in and out, it'll be okay."

"Easy for you to say," she mutters.

Yet, it's not easy for me to say that. I've heard that sentence being overused way too many times, and I'm trying not to say it too. People have always said that to me, whether or not they actually believe something will be okay. I only ever say something will be okay if I genuinely believe that it will be, and this is a time that I know Aurora will be alright.

When I first might Aurora, she may have only seemed to be a young, naive girl, but I know that she's actually really strong and independent. She's struggled, like me. She has family problems, like me. But, she's dealing with them better than I have. All I did was break down, but here she is facing her parents and her sister. She forgets her struggles and moves on, which took me a long time to do.

"Aurora..." her mother begins to say. "Is something wrong, dear?"

"I met my biological parents," Aurora says. "But, you should already know that right? Since you're in contact with them."

"I know we should've told you, but—" her mother says guiltily.

"My biological parents told you not to, right? Because I'm happy with you guys, and they don't want me to be overwhelmed, right? Not just that, but also because you're afraid that I'll go back to them and leave you guys. You love me as your own daughter, that you can't bear to give me back to my biological parents." Aurora says, without breaking eye-contact with her mother.

Tears brim in her sister's eyes and her mother is on the verge of breaking down. Aurora's father wraps his arm around his wife's shoulder to soothe her and she does, as she breathes in slowly and wipes away the tears that threaten to fall.

"Sweetheart... your mum and I, we—" Aurora's father begins.

Aurora interrupts him, "You're wrong for thinking that I'll ever leave you and end my adoption. I'll never do that; I'll never go back to my biological parents. You're my real parents, that's what I believe. and that's all that really matters. You raised me and looked after me like your own, that shows that you truly love me and accept me as a part of your family. My biological parents didn't do any of that. I'm not saying I don't love them or miss them or anything. Because, honestly I did think about them in some moments of my life and I did wonder about meeting them. But, I'll always remember that they gave up on me because I was too much of a hassle to them and they couldn't be there for me when I needed them. Yet, I'm glad that I'm here. I just want a happy family and I've got that right now, with you guys."

Tears are rolling down Aurora's cheeks by now as she talks with so much emotion in her. I know that everything she said was true. Yet, despite all she has said, how does she know whether her biological parents won't love her the way her adoptive parents have?

I recall back to when I saw her biological mother, she was crying and she seemed to have really missed Aurora. Yet, Aurora is blinded by the hate she feels for them, since they abandoned her. But, their abandonment isn't completely irrational, they just wanted their daughter to have a better life, is that wrong? I do agree that sending Aurora to an orphanage may not have been the most amazing choice, but what else could they have done when they were short on money and couldn't provide for a child?

I don't say anything to Aurora and just keep quiet, as I don't want to overwhelm her even more. I certainly can't change her opinion and tell her my views right at this moment, or she'll just lash out. She won't listen to me, because her hate for her biological parents is so strong that she believes that they were completely at the wrong for abandoning her.

"Don't you want to try having a life with your biological parents?" Aurora's mother asks gently.

"No," Aurora says persistently. "I did think about it, but I don't think I want to. I don't want anything to change."

Coral says, "But, you'll still keep in contact with your biological parents, right? They at least deserve that from you."

Aurora sighs and nods, "Fine."

Everyone is quiet for a while as they avoid looking at each other. I occasionally take a glance at them and I see Coral gulping and bite her lip, as if she has something to say.

"I... I umm..." Coral finally has the courage to speak up. "I have to go... I have a date with Jungkook."

Her cheeks are flushed as she awaits her younger sister's and parents' reaction.

Their mother nudges Coral and murmurs, "Why now? Your sister needs you here."

"Sorry..." Coral whispers apologetically. "I can't just cancel on him..."

"It doesn't matter, it's okay," Aurora says and stands up quickly. "I need to go too."

"Let's go, Luna." Aurora says to me, so I stand up.

Aurora is almost out the cafe when I say goodbye to Coral and her parents, then follow after Aurora.

"I don't know what to do. Help me, Luna?" Aurora sighs and ruffles her hair in frustration. "What do you think I should do? Be honest with me."

I sigh and bite my lips as I glance at Aurora. I know I should tell her my honest opinion, but can she accept that? Will she listen to me? Will she hate me for telling her what I really think?

"Aurora, you must accept the fact that your biological parents are real people. They have feelings too and they love you. If they didn't, why have they come to find you? Think about it, if they didn't care about you, they wouldn't have come to find you and they wouldn't have contacted your parents. Besides, are you not even one but curious about them? Don't you want to get to know them?" I say truthfully. "So, that's why I think that you should give them a chance. I'm not telling you to go back to them and end your adoption, but I just think that you should try staying with them for a little while and let them have a taste of having a daughter."

We walk silently and Aurora seems to be deep in thought as she fiddles with the hem of her shirt.

"Maybe you're right..." she mutters. "I should accept the fact that they are real and they are my biological parents. I'll give them a chance. I'll live with them for a little while. I'm only doing this because you told me to."

A smile spreads on my face, "They'll be so grateful and so happy to see you again."

"Yeah," she smiles and admits. "I suppose so."

"Anyways..." Aurora changes the subject. "I never got the chance to ask you this morning, but how was your date with Taehyung?"

"Well, umm..." I say sheepishly and begin to feel my cheeks heat up. "It was amazing; it was... unexpected. I never thought that I'll end up falling for him. He was just a stranger to me once. A stranger who I ranted all my problems to."

The smile on my face widens when I think back to that romantic night, "He kissed me and held me in his arms... and I really liked it. He makes me feel safe. He makes me feel... loved."

"That's..." Aurora says uncertainly. "Great..."

Although she says it with a smile, I notice the sadness in her voice and the way she avoids my gaze as her smile slowly fades.

I observe her for a while and can't seem to shake off the uneasy feeling the more I look at her as her hair forms a curtain and hides the side of her face, so I can't see her expression.

Is she upset that I'm dating Taehyung? Does she... like him? 

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