19: Luna

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I look at Taehyung, the boy who was crying over his girlfriend just a while ago. Now, here he is, forcing a smile on his face as he talks to my mum and sister. He's squirming uncomfortably in his seat and the smile slowly fades as soon as Mina asks him about his girlfriend.

"Since I cooked tonight, Mina, will you clean up the dishes?" I ask in an attempt to stop Mina from bugging Taehyung.

"Okay, fine," she says and takes our dishes into the kitchen.

Rae-na and mum head to their rooms, so Taehyung and I go to mine.

"Wow," Taehyung says in astonishment as he enters my room.

He makes his way over the window. Bright stars fill the night sky as the moonlight sweeps the city. Taehyung stands staring out the window, his image reflecting on the glass. I make my way over to him and stand beside him as I glance outside.

The window has always been my favourite part of my room. I've always loved sleeping beside a window of stars and moon. The tiny white glowing stars in the sky always seem to make me happy. They make me realise how much more is out there and that I'm just one human in this vast world. They make me realise how small my problems are and that there are much bigger problems out there.

"Moon girl," Taehyung suddenly says.

I look at him in confusion, "Huh?"

I raise my eyebrows at him and he chuckles, "The first time we met, didn't I tell you that your name means moon?"

I  reply, "I guess I forgot you told me that."

Taehyung looks around my room and his gaze stops at my bed, at the guitar stashed under it. He looks at me and I look back at him blankly.

"Play a song for me," he says.

"I...I haven't played in a while..." I say sheepishly.

He reaches under the bed and takes the guitar out from under it. He blows off the coat of dust covering it and hands it to me in anticipation.

"You must remember to play at least one song," he says and gives me an encouraging smile.

I take the guitar with shaking hands, it feels somewhat heavy in my hands. I glide my fingers over its shiny, wooden body. I haven't touched it in a long time. I was always slightly afraid of playing music again, even after my parents told me I could and bought me this new guitar after my dad crushed my old one.

I sit cross-legged on the floor and Taehyung sits down beside me. I hold onto the guitar, my fingers brushing across the strings ever so gently.

Taehyung places a hand on my knee to ease me and I close my eyes and breathe in a deep breath before going in for my first strum. The sound is beautiful. I almost forgot how much I loved playing the guitar. How much I loved the sound it creates.

I keep strumming, until it becomes a melody. Song lyrics of my first original song come flowing into mind. I begin humming and eventually, I'm singing.

Playing the guitar and singing makes me feel as if I'm flying high up in the clouds. It makes me feel like I'm in my own little world. I feel euphoric. It's like I'm intoxicated by the song. It's like I'm a part of the lyrics. The melody is flowing in my veins and I am the music.

The words start out shaky and I tremble nervously, but soon, the lyrics come out naturally and the words are flowing like honey. I let the words come tumbling out my mouth and form into a song:

We're just going to walk down the streets

And we're gonna try find some sweet treats

Moonlight | Kim TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now