4: Taehyung

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I end up at a park and I'm strolling along a path, towards a lake in front of me. The lake is luring me as the moonlight shines upon it, causing the surface to glisten. As I get closer to the lake, I see a girl. She's kneeling on the ground and she's petting a ball of white fur. A bunny. A wild hare. Why would she be touching a wild animal like that? Without being afraid?

Before I can get any closer to her, a branch snaps. She instantly turns her head to face me and I move towards her. She immediately stands up as soon as she sees me. The moonlight is shining on her face and her brown eyes twinkle. I notice that her clothes and hair are slightly wet. Why is she so drenched? Had it rained? Maybe I was at the library at the time.

She looks at me from head to toe and she suddenly screams. Her facial features expressing panic. I widen my eyes in shock and I remember that there's blood smeared on my clothes and hands. She must think I'm some sort of killer.

I put a hand over her mouth to silence her, "Shh..."

She smacks my hand away and starts trembling, "Get... get away from me!"

"It's okay, I won't hurt you," I say softly.

"But... but... the blood," She stutters as she points at me and takes a few steps back.

"It's my... girlfriend's," I say hesitantly as I fight back tears and try to keep my composure.

"You killed your girlfriend?!" She shrieks and she's shaking even more.

"No... she died from a car accident just this afternoon. The blood... its because I was holding onto her." I say and I look down as I single tear rolls down my cheek.

She stays silent and she just observes me. As if she's studying me and contemplating on her next move. On what she should say.

"I'm sorry," She finally murmurs and places a hand on my shoulder.

I look up at her and get lost in her eyes. She looks genuinely sorry for me as she looks into my sad eyes. I sigh and sit down on the floor. She sits down beside me and we both look up to the sky. We stay completely still as we admire the stars.

"It's beautiful isn't it," I say.

"Yeah, it is," She replies and a smile spreads across her face. "Have you ever wondered what it's like to be a part of the night sky? To be a star? To see the world from above."

I think about it for a while and say, "I guess I have. I've always wondered what Earth would look like from afar. It'll be interesting to see it as a minuscule dot in space. A meaningless, little planet."


"Yeah, meaningless. Humans are meaningless. Everything is meaningless. I am meaningless. We're so tiny, we're nothing compared to what's up in space. If I vanished, it won't change anything. The Earth would continue spinning."

She's quiet for a while, until she turns to face me and say, "Maybe. But, have you heard of the butterfly effect?"

I shake my head, "No."

"So lets say you were to vanish from this world or you never even existed, this would affect many things. Your mum won't give birth to you, then she may or may not have a child. If she doesn't have a child, then she would grow old with your dad alone. And you r friends now won't have you as a friend, then their friendship would be different. Your girlfriend wouldn't have met you and she might be dating someone else. And I wouldn't have met you and I would still be petting that bunny. We wouldn't be talking to each other right now. Though, Earth would still be spinning, life would change. People's relationship with you would change. People's lives would change."

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