16: Taehyung

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Haneul... I can only think about her. My dreams are always of her. I open my eyes and she's the only one I see. A smile creeps onto my lips. I just want to reach out and touch her soft pale cheeks. I just want to kiss her. I just want her.


Somehow, I end up laying on my bed. A girl is standing over me. Haneul. I think. I reach my hand out and grab her by the waist, pulling her down onto the bed, so that she's laying beside me. She screeches and squirms in my embrace as I wrap my arms around her tightly. I kiss her. Her lips are so soft and delicate. She stops moving and tenses up. My eyes are closed and I slowly fall asleep.


I wake up with my head throbbing and a weight on my chest. I open my eyes slowly and I'm surprised to see a girl curled up beside me, her head resting on my chest. The memory of last night comes flooding back into my mind. Her lips were on mine last night. I thought she was Haneul, but clearly she's not.

I push her away gently and she wakes up. She lifts her head up to look at me. As soon as she sees me staring back at her, she jumps and instantly gets up from the bed.

"Aurora..." I say and her cheeks flush as she tries to avoid my gaze.

"Do you... umm... do you remember what happened last night?" She asks nervously as she plays with her hair.

I nod and she seems even more embarrassed, "So... so you remember about the... about the..."

"About the kiss," I say for her and she looks up at me in panic and shock. "Yes, I remember."

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to kiss you... I just... I just thought you were Haneul," I say.

"It's... it's okay... don't worry about it," she says and giggles nervously. "Let's just forget it ever happened."

I nod again and sigh, "Thanks though. Thanks for getting me back home safely."

"It's no problem," she says with a smile and she hurriedly looks at her phone as if she's suddenly realising something. "Oh shit... I have school today..."

She ruffles her hair in frustration as she quickly smoothens her clothing and grabs her bag.

"Aurora!" I shout and she turns to look at me before rushing out the door. "I can drive you there."

I drive Aurora to school and I see Luna walking towards us as we get out of the car. I don't know why, but I'm nervous when I see her. I feel my cheeks heat up as I wave awkwardly at her. Aurora seems nervous too as she trembles by my side. I try to keep my composure and act normal, but Luna sees through us as she looks at us in confusion. I'm going to be late to work, so I don't try to explain and leave it to Aurora to tell her. I offer to pick Luna up from school before getting back into my car and leave.


I get to the cafe on time. Anthony, my boss and I guess I could call him a friend, is behind the counter as he waves at me. He's six years older than me and has started up this cafe all on his own as soon as he graduated from college. He used to work here alone, until he employed me, seeing that I moved out of my parents place and had to make money to support myself. I've been working here ever since I graduated from high school. I've always been interested in coffee. I see coffee as a drink of comfort, something with a strong, yet soothing aroma that I just love. They just give a sort of homely and warm vibe. So, I've always known that I would work at a cafe.

I wave back at Anthony and head to the backroom to change into my uniform. I put on the beige button-up shirt and black pants, then pull the brown apron over my head and tie it around my waist.

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