8: Taehyung

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What am I doing here? Why am I sitting on a swing beside Luna? I didn't think I would see her again. The atmosphere is different. I feel somewhat carefree. I'm talking to her like we're best friends. And surprisingly, I like this feeling. I like talking to her.

She's swinging gently and not saying anything. I don't mind though. Children are laughing and running around us. This makes me smile and I see Luna smiling too. She's smiling at her sister. The little girl is an exact replica of Luna, only that she's a younger version. Her eyes are twinkling with joy and her lips form a wide grin on her face.

Luna suddenly stops swinging and she turns to face me, "So, what did the police say?"

I turn to look at her, I'm looking straight into her curious eyes. I just look at her as she blinks and raises her eyebrows, waiting for me to say something.

I sigh, "It was a guy named Chan Hyung-Shik. He was an underaged driver and has no driver's license yet. He's sixteen and he killed the love of my life."

My fists are clenched, my nails digging into my palms. Tears are stinging on my eyes, but I don't let them roll down my cheek. My breathing is getting heavy. I'm looking down at my feet. Luna's hand on my back. I grip on the chains on the swing as I try to calm myself.

"I saw him. I saw that boy at the police station. I was so angry, I was livid. I wanted to strangle him. I wanted to strangle him to death. I wanted to make him suffer, like the way Haneul did. I wanted him to repay for what he did. But, I didn't. Haneul wouldn't want me to. I saw the guilt in the boy's eyes. His head hung low as he didn't dare to look at me. His parents were there too. They looked disappointed and angry at their reckless son. The boy is going to be sent to juvie and his parents have to pay a fine." I say to Luna.

Tears are streaming down my face and I'm aware that there are children staring at me. A grown man who is bawling his eyes out. What a disgrace I must be.

I look up as I hear a boy, who's pointing at me say to his mother, "Momma, why is that man crying?"

"I don't know dear, let's go," the mother replies as she tugs onto her son's arm.

But the little boy doesn't budge, instead he's walking over to me clumsily. His little legs wobbling with every step he takes.

"Here," he says as he takes out a packet of tissues from his pocket and hands it to me. "I hope you feel better mister."

"Thanks," I nod with a smile and take the tissue packet from the child, then pat his head gently.

He scurries off to his mother and they walk away.

"Such a good kid," Luna says and I nod in agreement.

"I don't know if I'll ever feel better though," I say. "I feel empty, like a part of me is missing. I no longer see the point in living. I don't know what to do anymore, I used to do everything with Haneul. Now that she's gone, I have nothing to do. I have no life to live."

"That can't be true," Luna says. "You had a life before you met Haneul, so live that life. What did you do before you met her? And besides, you promised me you'll get better."

"You don't have to keep reminding me," I say as I wipe away my tears. "I used to hang out with my friends. But, we drifted apart ever since I started dating Haneul. I rarely ever see them."

Luna sighs and I know she's disappointed in me. Disappointed that my life only revolves around Haneul. My parents and friends think that too. Even I know it's true. Haneul was always with me. We rarely argued. We were like glue, always attached to each other. We were inseparable.

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