33: Luna

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I glare at Hera as she looks at me smugly. I know that Taehyung generally loves me and I shouldn't listen to what Hera. After our conversation in the car, how could I not trust him?

Stop trying to come up with scenarios that will never happen. Stop trying to kid yourself, Hera." I intertwine my hand with Taehyung's and grin at Hera in pity. "I feel so sorry for you Hera. It's such a pity that you haven't met the right person yet, but don't worry, I know that one day you'll find the guy of your dreams. That guy just won't be Taehyung."

"Whatever... I'll eventually find a way to make Taehyung mine," Hera smirks and scoffs at me. "So you better watch your back, Luna."

I rest my head on Taehyung's shoulder and watch as Hera scoffs and flicks her hair back as she walks away.

I sigh and plop back down onto the bench as I groan in frustration. Taehyung sits down beside me and wraps an arm around my shoulders in a soothing manner.

He whispers, "I'm sorry... today should've been a fun date to get you to relax..."

"It's not your fault Hera is here, and besides I had fun." I look up at him with a bright smile. "Let's just forget about Hera; imagine that she never came here and said whatever she said."

"Ok, let's not mention Hera or Aurora for the rest of the day," Taehyung says and I nod. "So, what do you want to do now? Go on the rollercoaster?"

I shake my head, "Let's just talk."

"Ok, what do you want to talk about?" Taehyung asks and leans back against the back of the bench.

"Tell me about yourself," I reply and lean back as well. "Tell me about what you like, tell me about your childhood, tell me anything about yourself."

I close my eyes and he coughs nervously, which makes me giggle, "Well... I uhh... I was born in Daegu, then when I was five, my parents and I moved to California. It was hard to adapt to being in a new surrounding with language barriers, as I didn't know any English at the time and my parents' English wasn't great either. But we had to move because my dad wasn't doing too well in business and my mum didn't have a job. My parents quickly found jobs when we moved here though, my father is an accountant and my mother is a Korean teacher at a middle school. Then, I met Haneul when I was fourteen and when I turned eighteen, I moved out and found myself an apartment. I wasn't keen on the idea of going to college; it just wasn't something I wanted to do, as I didn't have any plans for the future. And one day, I came across the cafe I'm working at now. I became entranced by the aroma of coffee and watched as Anthony, my boss, brewed the coffee. He noticed my interest, so he taught me how to brew my own cup of coffee, then he eventually hired me to be a barista to help him out, since he worked there alone. It was just something that happened really suddenly, I just suddenly had an interest in coffee, so I hope that in the future I can open my own cafe."

I slowly open my eyes once he finished talking and I smile at him, "I should definitely stop by your cafe one day and try a cup of coffee that you brew. I can already imagine taking a sip from a warm, creamy cup of latte."

"Hey, we should go there today," he replies enthusiastically. "I'm sure Anthony would love to meet you. But we should probably go a bit later, it should be really crowded right now."

I nod, "That sounds like a great idea. I can't wait."

He chuckles, then says, "So, since I told you about myself, you should tell me about yourself."

"But you already know so much about me," I reply.

"True... but there must be other things you haven't told me about yet. For example, where you grew up at or why you're so attracted by the moon and stars,"

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