32: Taehyung

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The more Luna tries to wriggle free from my embrace, the tighter I hold onto her. She's giggling and squealing as she tries to free herself. I breathe in the fresh smell of her hair and eventually let her go.

She touches her neck and frowns at me, "Why did you have to do that?! People will be able to see it!"

"To show everyone that you're my girlfriend and nobody can take you away from me," I say confidently as I look into her. "You, Luna, are the only one for me."

A soft smile appears on her face and she pecks my cheek lightly, "Expressing your dominance, huh?"

"That's right," I say and snake an arm around her waist.

I spot a food stall in front of us, so I guide her towards that direction, as I'm beginning to feel hungry.

She giggles, "Where are we going?"

"To get some food," I say and motion for her to sit on a bench to wait for me to get us something to eat.

I decide to get us each a hotdog and Luna seems pleased with my choice as she grins at me when I hand her the hotdog.

After we finish eating, I notice that there are some crumbs and ketchup at the corner of Luna's lips, so I reach out and use my thumb to wipe off the excess crumbs and ketchup off her face. She looks surprised and speechless, as she gulps when my thumb gently grazes the side of her soft lips.

She coughs nervously and looks away from my face. I chuckle from her reaction and her cheeks begin to redden.

"Why do you get so shy when I touch you, Luna?" I say with a smirk. "I don't recall you being this shy when you kissed me this morning."

"Th-that was different..." she replies hesitantly. "Nobody was watching us..."

I smile at how adorable she looks rights now as she tries to avoid having eye-contact with me, "When did you start caring about what other people thought of you?"

Before she has the chance to answer me, we're interrupted by a girl who sits down beside me on the bench.

"Hey, handsome," she says as she links her arm with mine, then fakes a sad pout at Luna who sighs in frustration. "and your poor, sick girlfriend, who you'll soon dump, because you have me."

I yank my arm away from her grip and roll my eyes in annoyance, as Luna stands up and glares down at her, "Min Hera, what are you doing here?"

She laughs, "Silly Luna, this is an amusement park, so I'm here to have fun, of course."

I stand up as well and scowl, "Just leave us alone."

I take Luna's hand and attempt to walk away, but Hera stops us by tugging onto Luna's arm.

Hera eyes the hickey on Luna's neck and she folds her arms over her chest as she glares at us, "You both are delusional if you seriously think that your relationship will last. Because, let me tell you simply, it won't. "It's a fact that the two of you will break up."

I open my mouth to object, but Hera raises her hand to stop me, then gestures to Luna, "She has no life. She was being controlled by her parents and she had to listen to whatever they told her to do. And apart from that, her parents hate each other. There's so much hate in her family, which made her break down and she couldn't handle it anymore. She cut herself and even attempted suicide. That's not normal. So I'm telling you this frankly, you'll never be able to find happiness with her."

I just laugh at her and put my arm around Luna's shoulders protectively as tears begin to trickle down her face, "That's where you're wrong. I'm already happy with her and she's happy with me. It doesn't bother me that she used to cut herself and attempted suicide, that just shows that she got through the pain. It shows that she's strong. Trust me, I'm not perfect either, Hera. I was broken for a while too and Luna was the one who got me back onto my feet. We helped each other grow stronger."

I wipe away Luna's tears with my sleeve and kiss her forehead, as Hera sneers at us, "I don't believe you. You seem fine to me."

"I am fine now, but I wasn't when I first met Luna," I say honestly.

Hera seems to not believe me as she rolls her eyes and taunts, "So tell me. Tell me why you used to be broken."

"My girlfriend, now ex-girlfriend, died from a car accident," I say without hesitance and I try my best to not stutter. "My heart shattered, she was the love of my life. She meant the world to me and I lost her just like that. But then I met Luna and she mended my broken heart and I love her so so much."

I smile at Luna who nestles up beside me with a small smile on her face as she mutters, "I love you too."

Hera scoffs, "So... Luna is basically your rebound, right? Just a random girl you met and decided to have a fling with, just so you can fix your broken heart?"

I'm reminded of Aurora and the words she told me. She said the exact same things as Hera. I'm irritated by how they just accused me of using Luna.

"It's nothing like that," I say sternly. "I truly am in love with Luna. You can't accuse me of things that aren't true."

"And you actually believe him?" Hera says to Luna.

"Yes, I do," Luna replies with determination as she stands up straight and looks directly into Hera's cold eyes. "He has done nothing to tell me otherwise."

Hera strides up to Luna, so they're face to face, "Trust me, he will. As soon as he's forgotten about his dead girlfriend and meets some other beautiful lady, like myself, he'll fall for her. He'll fall for her hard and he'll dump your miserable ass."

"How are you so sure, Hera?" Luna says with confidence as they shoots daggers at each other.

"He moved on so quickly from his dead girlfriend, who he says he loves so much, who he says is his everything. But look, he already forgot about her and you're all he cares about," Hera says coldly. "So, it won't be surprising if he'll move on from you just as quickly when some other pretty girl captures his heart."

Her words anger me. She knows absolutely nothing about me. She has no idea how much I love Haneul, how much I still love her. I haven't forgotten about her, how could I ever? How could I forget her flawless pale skin or her delicate rosy lips or her wavy amber hair or her glassy brown eyes? How could I forget the way her eyes sparkle and turn into crescent moons whenever she smiles or the way she cutely scrunches up her nose whenever she smells alcohol? How could I forget her gentle touch and her soft moans whenever I kiss her or the way her manicured nails sends me shivers when she glides her fingers along my body? She was going to be the one; the one I'll spend the rest of my life with. She's a part of me, or at least, she used to be.

I tried so hard to move on from her to get her off my mind and I have when I started dating Luna. Although Haneul does occur in my dreams sometimes, it definitely isn't as much as before. I used to wake up with tears in my eyes because I miss her. I missed seeing her in the morning and I missed her sweet, honey-like voice whenever she tells me she loves me. But now, Luna is the only girl in my mind when I wake up. Haneul was my world, yet Luna is my moonlight, the one who's bringing brightness to my dark world and the one who's leading me to a bright future. Haneul is my past, yet Luna is my past, present and future. 

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