2: Taehyung

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"I love you..." she says with one last breath.

Those are her last words, before her eyes shut and her body becomes limp. She's dead. I don't believe it. Choi Haneul, the love of my life, is dead.

I'm kneeling in the middle of the road with blood smeared on my hands as I hold onto her lifeless body. Tears are stinging in my eyes as I stare at the girl in my arms. I stare at her beautiful face, not willing to let her go so soon, although the ambulance and police are here to take her away. How can someone's life be taken away like this? How is it possible for a person to lose their life so quickly and suddenly?

I clench my fists as her body is carried away from me. She was hit by a car. Though I want to take revenge, I know she won't like that. She wouldn't want me to, she's the type of girl who cared about others. She's too kind for vengeance.

I'm still on the floor as people walk around me. Police officers trying to investigate and clean-up the scene.

My clothes are stained with her blood and damp from my tears. I can't take this anymore. I don't want to face the reality that Hanuel is gone. I walk away from the scene, despite that I have no idea where I'm going to.

"Sir, excuse me sir..." A police officer scurries to my side. "Please come back to the police station with me to give a testimony."

I don't stop walking. I just ignore him and shoo him away, but he's still persistently trying to get my attention.

"My girlfriend just died. You must understand that I need some space right now," I grumble and frown as I turn to face him with sad, annoyed eyes. "Please?"

The police officer sighs in defeat. He must've seen my worn-out expression. My puffy eyes and the blood stains on my hands and clothes. He pats my shoulder and leaves me.

I stuff my hands in the pockets of my jeans as I walk farther away from the scene. I don't dare to look back. I just keep walking straight.

I somehow end up on a busy street. Cars honking and people chattering. I shut out all the noise around me and keep strolling. I don't think about anything and weave through the crowds with a clear mind.

Everything is fine and I seem to have calmed down, until I see a young couple in front of me, they're flirting with each other. The girl is laughing and smiling as she tugs her boyfriend's arm.

I stop in my tracks as I stare at them. Jealousy fills me and I clench my fists. A memory of the time Haneul and I were like this surfaces into my mind. I remember the way her dimples appear when she grinned and the way her eyes became like crescent moons. I remember the way she giggled cutely whenever I made a joke. I miss her. I want her by my side. But I know she'll never come back to me.

The couple walks past me. The girl's long hair brushes my shoulders. I break down. One by one, tears roll down my cheeks and I'm gasping with a hand over my mouth.

People give me quizzical glances. I must look like a crazy person, with my bloody shirt and tear-stained face. Others look at me with sorry eyes. But, I don't care. I don't need their sympathy.

Without realising, I'm on the ground. I'm hugging my knees to my chest as I sob. My father always told me that men don't shed tears and that only little girls cry. But, this is an exception. Well, I'm making it an exception. It's reasonable to mourn for a loved one's passing.

It may be embarrassing and degrading for a grown, 20-year-old man to be crying in the middle of the street, but I don't give a damn. I'm not concerned about people's opinion of me and what they say about me. They can say all they want and it won't bother me. However, if they say anything hurtful or offensive to Haneul, then they won't be getting away with it so easily.

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