18: Taehyung

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The sky has darkened and the moon is slowly becoming visible. I watch as Luna enters her house, then lean back against the chair and close my eyes. I don't want to leave yet. I just want to sit here and relax. I let myself disconnect as I doze off into a nap...


"Taehyung..." I hear Haneul's voice beside me.

Her voice is gentle and sweet like honey. It makes me smile when I turn to face her.

We're sitting in my car and we're outside her apartment. She's wearing a white dress with lace detailing and I'm wearing a white button-down shirt. We're dressed for a special occasion.

She's giggling like a little girl as I tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. Her cheeks become a rosy pink as she blushes.

"You're so beautiful," I say.

The blush on her cheeks reddens as she smiles at me. I love her smile. I love her everything. She's so beautiful, especially when she's nervous.

"I have a gift for you," I say and she perks up. "But, you'll have to find it yourself."

She moans and pouts, "Can't you just give it to me now?"

"Where's the fun in just giving it to you?" I say. "It'll be way more fun if you find it yourself."

She looks all around the car. Climbing to the backseat and searching everywhere. Even searching at the top of the car. I laugh at her and she only grumbles even more.

"Where is it?" she whines.

I give her a hint and point to the bottom of her seat. She instantly reaches below the seat and pulls out a red velvet box. Her eyes light up as she opens the box and the smile on her face widens at the sight of the necklace in the box.

"It's gorgeous," she says to me with sparkling eyes and a sweet smile. "I love it. Thank you so much!"

I smile back at her and I'm glad she likes it. I brush back her hair and fasten the necklace around her neck. She reaches out to touch it and she looks so blissful.

"Happy birthday," I say and she pecks my cheek gently.

"Thank you," she whispers. "Not only for the necklace, but for today as well."

Her face is still glowing in delight as she admires the dainty silver necklace around her neck.

"Anything for you," I reply.


A knock on the car's window pulls me back to reality. I open my eyes and see a girl knocking on the window. I quickly roll down the window.

"Who are you?" she asks accusingly. "What are you doing outside my house?"

"Umm... I...uhh... sorry... I'm about to leave," I reply, until I see her resemblance to Luna then I say, "Are you Luna's older sister? I'm her friend."

"Yeah, I'm Luna's sister. If you're her friend, then what are you doing out here?" she asks.

"Oh umm... I dropped her off from school," I say. "But then I... I uhh...I was too tired so I took a nap... sorry... I'll leave now"

I'm about to drive off, but Luna's sister stops me, "Wait... don't you want to come inside?"

"Umm..." I begin to say.

"You haven't eaten dinner yet, right? Come on inside," she offers.

I have no reason to say no, so I accept and follow her into the house. She really resembles Luna, except that she has short, shoulder length hair.

Moonlight | Kim TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now