28: Taehyung

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It's been a while since I hung out with both Jimin and Jungkook. I should spend more time with them, as I did promise them that I wouldn't go back to my old ways and ignore them to spend every day with Luna. I won't make the same mistake as I did when I was with Haneul, because good friends are just as important as a girlfriend is.

Leaning back against the sofa of the karaoke room with Jungkook, as Jimin stands in the centre and he sings off-key to an originally lovely song. His screechy loud singing makes Jungkook laugh as I cover my ears and wince.

"Guys, why won't you sing with me? It's boring to sing alone," Jimin pouts and plops down onto the sofa, as he gulps down a few shots of vodka. "Jungkook, it's your birthday today, so you should sing with me! Or we could call some strippers to come over and pump up the mood!"

"We won't be calling any strippers," Jungkook states and picks up a microphone and begins to sing.

A bright smile appears on Jimin's face as he excitedly sings along with Jungkook. Jungkook nudges me and raises his eyebrows. I sigh and grab a microphone to sing with them.

We sing loudly, not caring if we're out of tune and if our voices aren't in sync. We just let our singing flow and Jimin starts to dance, so Jungkook and I follow along with him, so we look like a group of weirdos trying to act cool, even though we know we sing and dance horribly. I laugh at our silliness and enjoy letting loose as I gulp down a couple shots of vodka. We're having so much fun, that we don't hear Jungkook's phone ringing.

Moments later, we're all exhausted as we lay on the sofa out of breath, but we're still chuckling from the enjoyment. I haven't done this in so long. Singing and dancing is more of Jimin's thing, rather than mine, yet this felt so relaxing, as I stop thinking about what I was doing. I just let myself have the fun I deserved to have.

Jungkook's phone pings with a notification, he looks at the screen in surprise, which quickly turns to concern as he says, "It's Coral. She called and texted me over ten times."

"Call her back," I say immediately and he's already got his phone by his ear.

Jimin and I wait impatiently for Jungkook to finish his call, as his expression changes as Coral talks to him. Jungkook's mouth is wide open as he listens to Coral, which makes me feel even more uneasy and worried.

The call soon ends and Jungkook is looking as me seriously as he bites onto his lip and sighs.

"What is it?" I ask anxiously. "Did something happen to Coral? Is everything alright?"

"It's Luna," Jungkook replies as he observes my shocked and worried reaction. "Aurora said somethings to her and made her pass out."

"What?!" I exclaim in astonishment. "Where is she?"

I'm already standing up and ruffling my hair in frustration as my mind is whirling in confusion as to what Aurora could have said to Luna to make her pass out. Aren't they good friends? What happened? Does this have something to do with Aurora staring at Luna and I?

"Calm down! She's at your apartment," Jungkook replies and I'm already dashing out the door.

"Taehyung! Wait!" Jimin yells as he and Jungkook scurry along behind me.

As soon as we get into my car and I turn on the engine, I step on the gas pedal and speed across the streets; taking the fastest route back home. My heart is beating and my hands are clammy as I tighten my grip on the steering wheel. Sweat dripping down my forehead as my breathing quickens.

"Taehyung, slow down," Jimin says worriedly. "You've had a couple of drinks just now, you shouldn't drive too quickly."

"I don't care," I say, even though I know I should listen to him, as my eyes begin to get slightly blurry. "I have to get to Luna."

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