36: Taehyung

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I hold onto Luna without saying anything as she continues to sob into my shoulder and I feel her wet tears on my skin. I caress her head to soothe her as she holds onto me tightly.

She eventually stops crying and she moves away from my embrace to wipe away her tears as she mutters, "Sorry... I... I just..."

"Shh..." I say and guide her to my bathroom. "Before you say anything, let's take a look at that cut on your arm."

She nods and I lift her up onto the counter. I take out the first aid kit from the cupboard, then gently wipe away the blood with a wet cloth. The cut is small, but deep. I disinfect it with an alcoholic wipe then cover it with a piece of gauze. Through this whole process, Luna just sits obediently and watches me. She doesn't seem to feel pained by her wound, as if it doesn't bother her at all.

"Thank you..." she murmurs. "Can... can I stay the night here?"

"Of course," I reply and she plops down from the counter then heads to my room.

She doesn't say anything more as she climbs into bed and gets into a comfortable position to sleep. I'm confused and I want her to tell me what's going on so I don't have to keep guessing, but I now that she must be exhausted, so I let her sleep.

Seeing her so upset makes my heart ache and makes me feel as if I need to protect her, but I don't know how to. I have a feeling that her mum was the reason why she hurt herself. I grew up with loving parents who supported me in every way. They didn't mind that I didn't want to go to college and just wanted to work as a barrister, and they weren't upset that I wanted to move out, because they understood I was an adult and I could make decisions for myself. And most important of all, they were happy if I was. Something Luna's parents don't seem to understand.

I climb into bed beside her and wrap my arms around her as she nuzzles into my chest.


I wake up and Luna is sitting up beside me. I yawn and stretch my arms as I sit up as well.

"Good morning," I say and she doesn't say anything as she seems to be lost in a trance, so I nudge her gently. "Hey... what's wrong?"

She looks at me and I smile at her, "Sorry... sorry I came to bother you at such a late hour last night..."

"There's no need to be sorry," I say gently and kiss her forehead tenderly. "Just tell me what happened, okay? Why is there a cut on your arm?"

She nods her head slowly and looks down so her hair covers the side of her face, so I can't see her face, "I was being reckless and impulsive, I let my emotions get the better of me. I was being stupid..."

"Luna... you're most definitely not stupid." I whisper and I try to hold onto her hand, but she pushes it away.

She begins to weep and covers her face with her hands, "I talked to my mum and sister about my plans for the future. I told them that I wanted to take a gap year so I can get an internship at a music industry or do something related to music, until I go to college to have a music major. But my mum wouldn't allow me, and I just felt so agitated and emotional, my mind and heart were a mess. I felt so hopeless and broken, I felt that everyone was against me. Everyone except you. I felt that I needed to threaten my mum, so I cut myself with a kitchen knife, until she finally relented. And now our relationship is destroyed, just because of my selfishness of wanting to do music. I don't know how I can face her when I go back home, I don't know how I can face my sisters. I should be a good role model for Rae-na, but obviously I can't be. I don't want to frighten her from the way I hurt myself. "

"Luna..." I say and grip onto her shoulders, so I'm forcing her to look me in the eye. "Yes, you are selfish, but there's nothing wrong with that if you're being selfish for the happiness that you deserve. Your mum should be happy to see you joyfully doing something you love. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be happy. And I'm sure Rae-na loves you either way, and Mina cares about you, so you should go home. If your mum can't accept that you are passionate about music right now, she'll eventually have to. Before you told me that she's trying to mend her relationship with you, she might try to do the same this time. But, if things don't go well, just remember you still have me and you're welcome to stay with me anytime, okay? I love you, and I'm here for you."

She nods at me as a smile appears on her face and a single tear slides down her face, "Thank you... and I love you... so so so much."

I embrace her with my head resting on top of hers. Then, as we pull away, I press my lips onto hers and kiss her softly. It's a quick and simple kiss, but my heartbeat still soars and my stomach flutters.

The abrupt ringing of my phone's alarm brings me out of my trance and I become aware that I'm going to be late for my shift at the cafe if I don't leave soon.

"Oh shit... I have a shift at the cafe soon... and don't you have school today?" I ask in sudden realisation and become flustered as I quickly change out of my pyjamas, but she slowly gets up, as if she doesn't care if she's late to school.

"I don't feel like going to school today..." she replies gloomily. "Can I... can I perhaps stay at the cafe with you?"

"I don't mind, but I'm sure your mum and sister will," I say.

"My sister will understand if she receives a call from the school," she replies and pleads me with sad puppy-eyes. "I really don't want to see Aurora or Hera, so please Tae, let me come with you? Please?"

I sigh and give in to her, "Alright..."

She smiles at me and pecks my cheek cheerfully, "Thank you!"


We arrive at the cafe and I'm an hour late, not that Anthony really minds, so I just quickly change into my uniform and hurry over to the counter. Luna is sitting by one of the booths and she's on her phone, probably texting her older sister who's worried sick about her.

"Hey, what's Luna doing here?" Anthony nudges me and asks. "Doesn't she have school?"

"Yeah, but she's not feeling too well," I reply. "She's been through a lot this weekend."

"I see," Anthony nods and gets back to work.

"By the way, I have a thought that might interest you," I suddenly say and Anthony looks at me with interest. "I think this cafe needs an upgrade and I have an idea to make this cafe unique. Luna is taking a gap year before college, so I was wondering if she can work here by singing or playing music."

I know she said she was thinking of interning at a music industry, but I think she'll like this idea more, since she'll be able to sing and play music freely.

Anthony thinks about it for a second, before nodding his head enthusiastically, "That's a great idea! It will bring uniqueness to the cafe for sure."

"Great!" I reply. "I'll talk to her about it."

I'm about to walk over to her to tell her, but Anthony stops me as he extends an arm out to block me, "Not right now though, you're on your shift."

"Right... sorry..." I say and get back to work as a customer walks into the cafe, and I take his order.

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