44: Taehyung

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The days pass quickly and it's New Year's Eve. Just like I suggested, Luna and I are hosting a New Year's party at my place and all our friends and family are here too. I'm so excited for the New Year, and though I know it may be really cliche, yet I still believe in the saying, 'New Year, New Me'. I'm sitting on the sofa and staring out the window as I think about how great I'm going to make next year and how I'll improve. I hope things are better next year; I wish to be able to provide happiness for Luna and look after her.

I look around to observe what everyone else is doing. Luna is entertaining her younger sister at the dining table as they play with party horns and leftover surprise crackers from Christmas, as well as munching on chocolates and mini cupcakes, whilst their mum is sitting beside them and blissfully conversing with my parents, as well as Jungkook and Jimin's parents. Mina and Junghyun, Jungkook's older brother, are leaning against the wall and sipping on champagne as they get to know one another. Jungkook and Coral are cosying up and flirting with each other on the sofa beside me; Jungkook is pecking her neck gently and she's giggling, whilst Jimin and Aurora, who just came back from Korea this morning, are sitting on the other side of me and chatting. Seems as though everyone is busy socialising and I'm the only one who's just staring out the window quietly.

Probably noticing and finally realising that I'm all alone with nobody to talk to, Luna comes over and sits on my lap, so I wrap my arms around her instinctively.

"What are you doing just sitting here? Why didn't you come to join Rae-na and I at the dining table?" she asks me.

I shrug and say, "I didn't want to ruin your sister-bonding moment."

She chuckles and replies, "She wouldn't care, you know she loves playing with you. But you're too late now, she's in her room and getting ready for bed, since it's almost midnight and way past her bedtime."

"So I get you all to myself now right?" I mutter huskily and plant a kiss on her soft cheeks.

"I suppose," she replies as her cheeks heat up.

"By the way, your sister seems to be enjoying herself with Junghyun," I say and jut my head in their direction.

"That's good," she says with a smile as she glances at them. "It's nice to see my sister so gleeful and carefree, she deserves a break from the stress from work and looking after us. And she needs to make friends and go out to relax and have fun more often, I think Junghyun can help her with that."

Jimin gets up to get something to drink and so Aurora scoots closer towards as to chat with Luna.

"Hey," she begins to say cautiously.

"Hey," Luna says back to her. "What's up? How was Korea?"

I leave them to chat and get a drink from the kitchen. Jimin is there pouring himself a glass of whiskey and he pours me a glass too as I lean against the counter beside him.

"Aurora is talking to Luna right now, about her trip in Korea," I say.

"Okay... and?" Jimin says in slight confusion.

"So I'm here to talk to you," I say and take a sip from my glass.

He frowns in puzzlement, "Okay? What's up?"

"Aurora," I state simply and observe him as his face reddens and he becomes slightly uneasy as he gulps.

"What about her?" he stutters and sips his whiskey.

"Come on, tell me. You have feelings for her don't you?" I say as I slap his back, which causes him to choke.

"I... uhh... I..." he avoids my gaze and continues sipping on his whiskey.

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