Welcome Home Sydney!

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Sydney's Pov:

It was black.... then I saw light. I blink and open my eyes. I sat there starring at the sealing and then I gasp. Hayes stood up and says "Sydney!"

Some nurses come in and say "Alright Sydney, we are going to take the tube out, when it is out you will cough a lot. But we will fix that." I blink to clarify.

When they took the tube out it was hard at first to breathe but I managed. I did cough a lot. I was about to sit up but they stop me. They say "It is too soon to sit up with your stitches."

I look at Hayes and he nods. The nurses leave a thing of water and some food that I wasn't going to eat at all. They set the bed up a little so I can talk to Hayes. They shut the door when they left and Hayes says "Sydney, you got almost 50 stitches. You had a small heart attack and a seizure. So far they think you have brain damage but I don't think you do."

I nod. I say "Hayes can you hand me the water, and my chest hurts really bad." He nods. He hits the page nurse button and hands me the water.

Nurse's come in and say "Is she okay?" Hayes says "Her chest pains are back." They nod and come back real quick with meds. Which they put in my I-V. Which I don't like.

Hayes holds my hand and I lay back and stare at him. I say "Hayes I saw you. I saw you crying, and how bad you looked. I saw Cameron and the other guys. I saw everything." He looks at me and says "You saw us?" I nod and say "And I almost went to heaven Hayes. I almost left you." 

He swallows hard and takes that in. I comfort him and hold his hand tighter. I say "Hayes but I didn't because I couldn't leave you like this. I can't leave you. Not now."

He smiles and the guys come in. Cameron says "There is that beautiful face that we love." I smile and laugh, but stop because it hurt. Hayes looks at me and say "Everything alright?" I nod and say "Just hurts to laugh." He nods.

Nash and Cameron were talking about something random. I didn't know. But I started feeling very sleepy. I didn't know why. But I just fell asleep.

Hayes's Pov:

"So when will she be able to go home?" I said to the doctor. She says "Well if she is still in pain we might have to keep her till tomorrow afternoon. But if she does go home, she can't be going places and being active. So just rest. But if everything goes well, we can get her stitches out sooner then later. But just make sure she gets rest, no laughing or ruff play, and if she goes to shower make sure she takes a bath. Oh and someone needs to be with her at all times."

Gina and me were standing their talking to the doctor. Sydney fell asleep from the meds they gave her. Apparently they make her sleepy and take the pain away. But Sydney wouldn't be able to go to my party. Or at least do anything. But I mean we could do the party at our place and just chill with her the whole time. I wasn't for sure yet?

Cameron and Nash called Steven this morning and canceled the trip to Washington. They wanted to be here for my party and they didn't want to leave Syd, especially Cameron. But Nash wanted to stay because mom and dad were coming to town and he didn't want to miss on seeing Skylynn.

The doctor says "Alright when she wakes up we are going to go take a scan of her body and make sure everything is okay. If everything is okay then she might be able to go home. But she can't walk for at least a week. If she is still in pain then we will see when she can walk. But it looks like little miss Sydney just woke up from a good nap."

We turn around and she was laying on her side staring at me smiling. She is so cute and funny at the same time. We walk over to her and the doctor explained everything to her and I stood right their holding her hand the whole time.

Gina had sent Nash, Cameron, Carter, and my dad to her new house. They were suppose to be setting everything up for her so she could be comfortable at her new home. We had managed to figure a way to get her up to her room when she wanted. We would have either Cameron, or me carry her up there. But if she stayed down stairs everything was there too, except a bath tub.


After her cat scan, the doctors come back and say "Well Miss Sydney you are all good. You know what you can and can't do, and so do your love ones. So I am sure they will keep tabs on you. Oh and if you and Mr. Grier feel like cuddling that is okay, I just want you to try and keep your body up not on it's side. You know what I mean Hayes?"

I nod. I knew what she meant. Some how we would manage if we did cuddle, which is what we will do probably when we get how after her bath.

Gina was given her clothes and she brought Sydney a pair of Yoga pants and a change of under where, which Sydney was excited about. Girls these days.

When Sydney was changed into her yoga pants, and my hoodie. We help her in the wheel chair and then we head out. We had to stop at the pharmacy to get her pain killers.

Sydney and me sat in the back of her car. She had her head on my shoulder with my arms around her. She needed to shower I can tell you that. But I didn't think of that. She still looked beautiful, with her gross hair and in desperate need of some deodorant and perfume. Oh and a stinking tooth brush and tooth paste, but I didn't mind that. I was glad she was on her way home and was sitting right here next to me, no matter how bad she stunk or looked.

When we get to her house I get out and Gina gets the chair. I had to carry her out of the car and up the steps, then I put her in the chair. She was tired, but Sierra said she would help with getting her in the bath and all that.

When we got her inside the guys were there watching TV. They made it look like home for her. She had it set. Food in the fridge and all her things there. Nash says "Sierra is upstairs putting her makeup and things away. Mom and dad are coming over around dinner time. I invited them here. Is that okay?"

I look down at Sydney, she nods. Cameron looks at me and says "You or me?" I nod for me. I carry her upstairs. She had lost a lot of weight when she was in the hospital. But I knew she would be okay in the end. I get her in her room and Sierra was in there. She smiles and says "Welcome home Syd."

Sydney smiles and I set her on her bed. I pull something out of my pocket and say "I think you would like to have this back now wouldn't you?" She smiles and gasps. She says "Yes I would love to have this! Is there anything I should look at?" I say "Just check all social media apps. Sierra do you need my help anymore or do you got her?" She walks out from the bathroom and says "I think I got it, she is lighter then she used to be, so I can carry her. If not she can help me right?" I nodded. I kissed her forehead and went back downstairs with the guys.

I was truly glad that my girl was home and safe. And especially alive and healthy again. I missed seeing her beauty, everything that this girl has to offer is beautiful to me in every way possible.

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