"Where am I?....."

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Tuesday... At the doctor's office.....

Sydney's Pov:

As I sat there waiting for the stupid nurse to call my name, I was going crazy. I just wanted these stupid things out of me. I hated them being here. Mocking me and making me not being able to do anything. I came by myself. I didn't want Hayes or Cameron to be here. Last night Sky came over and we spent the evening talking to her. She was a doll. She even gave me something. Hayes had took a picture of her and me the day of his birthday. She curled up next to me and fell asleep in my arms. He took the picture and gave it to her so I could have it.

Her mom Elizabeth even got something for Sky and me. They were matching necklace's. But mine was a bracelet. Mine had Syd Syd on it and her's had Sky bear. Our nicknames for each other. They left this morning to go back to North Carolina. When she said goodbye to me it was sad. When I drove  up here I cried the whole way. I was going to miss her. She was adorable. When she was here Nash did a YouTube video with her, she did his makeup. It was cute.

I sat there waiting for them to call my name and thinking of all of this. Hayes text me:


Hey Skylynn told me to tell you she misses you and she sent me this. Love you babe, hope your doing good. See you soon. Xx-Hayes

It was a picture of her holding up the necklace and she had a sign that said "I miss you!!! LOVE Sky Bear!! Xx"

I could tell Elizabeth had wrote it for her. But I felt a tear fall. I know we just met but that little girl touches your heart every minute. She is just a ball full of sunshine. She is amazing.

"Sydney Dallas?" I was brought out of my thoughts by my name being called. I walk to the lady and she says "Sydney, Hi I am Faith. I will be checking you up before your Doctor comes. Now please take your shoes off."

I did so and she weighed me. I was 95 pounds. I was losing weight. Then she did my height and I knew I hadn't grown. She says 5'4 1/2.

You got to make sure and get the half in there don't you? Not really. I walk into the room and she does the normal check up routine. Then leaves. Few minutes later the Doctor comes in. She says "Well hello Sydney, how you feeling?" I smile and say "Good I guess. Just want these things out."

She smiles and says "Yes I know. Well you don't mind me checking them out do you?" I lay back and un-zip my jacket. She puts gloves on and looks at them. She says "Well Sydney, your heart rate looks good. And your stitches seem to be healed so we will be taking those puppies out today!" I smile and have a sigh of relief. She walks out and then back in with the nurse.

The roll a cart in and put some Medicine to make me sleep for a little so I wouldn't feel anything.

1 hour later...

I wake up in the same place. I look at my chest and they were gone. I sit up and fell a little throbbing in my head. I walk over to the mirror. I look at my scar in the mirror. I wanted to cry. I needed to show Sierra. I was so sad. I didn't want a scar, but I got one. The doctor comes in and says "Good your awake now. Well we need you to sign here and take these home to your guardian. Gina can send them through the mail if she wishes. Here are these. Only take one a day. Once they are gone your good. These will take the pain away. But have a nice day Sydney, hope you have a good rest of the week."

I smile and say "You too." I zip my jacket up and grab my purse. I walk out to my car and sit in the drivers seat. I started crying. I call Hayes....

H- Hey Baby you okay?

S- No, I don't know anymore Hayes.... I just I don't know....

H- Wait what you mean beautiful?

S- Hayes I love you and I never want you to forget that but Hayes, I think I need to go back and live with my family in England....

H- Wait who told you that?

S- My mom just text me saying they have 1 more ticket if I want it I can go.

H- Well if you want to then go ahead. But can we talk more about this when you get home?

S- Yeah I am stopping by to get some lunch then I will be on my way home. Love you

I hung up and then headed to Subway to get some lunch, I was so hungry.

I got out of the car and walked in. I tell them what I wanted and then paid. I walk out and something wasn't right.... There was a creepy van next to my car... What the hell?

I had parked to get gas too so I walk to my car. Then everything went black. Someone had something covering my mouth and eyes. I couldn't walk or use my hands. What was happening to me?


I wake up and I am in a room. It is scary. It's dark and smelled gross. My hands were chained to a wall along with my feet. I look at my clothes. I wasn't wearing the ones I was in earlier. I was just in a bra and under wear.... What happened to me?!?

Hayes's Pov:

It was getting around dinner time and Sydney still wasn't back. She was just getting food. She said something about Subway. I ask Cameron if he wanted to go looking for her so we went to the closest Subway and there was her car. I walk over to it and it was in the gas thing and wasn't paid yet. I take it out and pay. There was food in the middle of the parking lot. Cameron says "Dude this looks like Sydney's she get's this when we go here."

We pick it up and Cameron checks her car. He finds some pills and paper work that she had signed and some that needed signed. Cameron picks the pills up and says "Dude Sydney is suppose to take these everyday, meaning she got her stitches out."

Cameron took her car back to her house and I followed him. Where was she and what happened to her?

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