"Sydney... I have something for you...."

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Sydney's Pov:

After the boys were done drooling over my car they all thought we should go get Froyo. So they all had to do something before we could go...

Hayes-Flip his hair up and make it look good

Nash- Do his hair and brush his teeth

Cameron-Brush his teeth and put some nicer pants on

Carter-Well he just had to get dressed and do his hair

So I was there for about an hour. Who knew how long it would take 4 guys to simply get ready just to go get frozen yogurt? I mean Nash just put stuff in and ran his hands through it, but his hair is naturally a mess. Hayes had to have Nash actually help him. Which caught me by suprise because you would think he can flip his hair, but no not him. And Carter... oh loard. Carter took forever. He didn't know weather to wear a hat or not.

But eventually he put something on that made him stick out like always and then he put a snap back on. Cameron just threw on skinny jeans and Vans. Now that boy knows how to get ready fast.

He comes walking out and says "Sydney I need help." I sigh and walk to him. He says "My hair won't flip." I sigh and say "Sit down I will help you." Even though I had no clue what I was doing. I mean I see them mess with it all the time. So I just ran my fingers through it and then got the gel and it stayed.

But that boy needs a hair cut. His hair was so long. When I was done with Cam, Hayes walks out and says "Cam couldn't get his hair again?" I smile and nod. He laughs and says "Well I think everyone is almost ready?"

I nod and my phone rings. It was Sierra. She said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTIFUL!!! HOPE YOUR HAVING A GOOD DAY!!!! Wish I wasn't stuck in school for summer classes, but got to get that degree. Miss you, give the fam and boys my love."

I laugh at the message. Sierra at school in the summer?.... Not normal. But whatever. Hayes walks over to me and motions for me to follow him to the other room.

He says "Sydney, I wanted to give you your gift now because tonight we will be with the guys. He pulls out a little small box out of his pocket. I gasp and say "Hayes you shouldn't of." He says "It's my treat. Open it." I open it and find the most beautiful necklace. It was a random shape and then one single diamond on it.

I loved it. He takes it out of the box and helps me put it on. He says "It looks beautiul but not as beautiful as you." I smile and give him a kiss. He hugs me and the boys say "Did we interrupt something?..." We laugh and say "No, you ready?" They nod. Cameron says "Syd's driving." I laugh and say "Of course you want to see how bad I am."

We get in my car and the boys threw a fit over shot gun so I said pick a number.... Nash won. He kept messing with things up front and it was driving me nuts. But we managed to get to FroYo safe and together.


After FroYo I had to stop by Steven's place he wanted to talk to me. He says "So Sydney, your 16 now, congrats on your licenss. But I am not here to talk about that. I am here to talk about modeling."

I nod and he continues. He says "Now that you are a model you have to act like one outside of all the lights and cameras. Meaning you need to be more clean and elegant." I look at him and say "Elegant? I just came out of a foster home and am living with a rich family, you want me to be elegant!"

He says "Now calm down but like standing up straight and walking tall, not slouching." I roll my eyes. I say "Anything else, I have a date tonight and need to start getting ready." He says "Well I have these books and I want you to go through them. Mark the kind of styles that you like. We need to get a look at what you like to wear and what you think you look good in. Bring these with you to NYC. You will leave 10:00pm Saturday night. You will arrive in NY in the morning to start your day."

I look up and say "So you mean I won't be here at all Sunday?" He nods. I say "Uh your kidding, I can't miss Hayes's birthday." Steven says "Well your a model now, you have to choose things over your job, so either family, or lose job?" I sigh and grab the books and my keys. I walk out of their, I couldn't talk to him anymore.

I get in my car and slam the books on the passanger seat. I shut the door and set my head on the wheel. I start to feel tears. I regret choosing this whole family. I have to get to the bottom of this. I have to find my real family. I want to find my real brother. I want to know where I get these beautiful brown eyes from. I want to know how my hair grows so long in so little time. I want to know why they decided to put me in that place in the first place. I just want to know!

My phone starts ringing. I answer and it was Cameron.

Cam- Hey Syd, meet at our house for dinner around 6. Dress nice.

Me- (Sniff) Alright, I might be late I don't know.

Cam- Are you okay? You sound like you have been crying?

Me- Yeah (Sniff) I am fine don't worry. See you tonight

I hung up. I hate it when people see me cry especially guys. I start the car and head back home so I could get ready. I had a little time to kill but not much. It was already 3:30, so I could possibly mess around on my computer and talk to some fans or something.

When I got home Gina was their. She says "So how are the boys?" I didn't talk to her, I didn't want to. I set the books on the counter. There was like at least 5 full of pages of clothing. I didn't want to do that now or never.

She says "Sydney?" I didn't answer. I just took my shoes off and walked to my room. I get in their and it was cold. I hate being cold sometimes, that's why I love cuddling with Hayes because he is always so warm. My room was a mess. Clothes all over the floors. I grab them and put them in the basket. When I pass this one shirt.

I was white and smelled like him. I lay it down and there was makeup on the shoulder. This was Hayes's shirt from last night when I woke up crying.

I smell it again and I was going to miss him.

I was going to miss his smile.

I was going to miss his laugh.

But mostly I was going to miss him making me laugh and smile.

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