"Sydney... Sydney!!!!!!!"

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Sydney's Pov:

When I was told that I had someone here for me I was shocked. I mean yeah I get visitors, but not this often. I had just gotten dressed and Sierra had just blow dried my hair. It was halfway curled. Half was still in the bun and the rest was curled in loose curls. I have Cameron and Hayes helps me down the stairs. I walk into my living room and say "Who's here to see me?" Then I open my eyes and there stood this really tall guy.

He was taller then Hayes. He looked about 6'4. Then there stood a couple in front of him. The man was tall just like the boy, the lady was the same height as me. She had the same hair color as me and the same camel colored eyes... the man had the same nose and smile as me....

Who were these people?

The lady says "Hello, I am your mother, Caroline. Your my daughter Devin." I stop and say "Um... I am sorry, but name isn't Devin anymore. I had it changed to Sydney Rae Dallas when you guys put me up for adoption. You must be my parents and this must be my brother..."

He walks up to me and says "Well.. Sydney, or Devin.. I am your twin brother. My name is Ryan." I look at Hayes and say "I have a twin!!!!" My suppose of mother nodded. He was the same age as me... What the heck.

The man finally says "It is so good to see my beautiful daughter happy and grown up now. I am your father Reed." I nod and shake his hand. I go back to Hayes and scoot closer to him. I was scared. I had my parents and brother in my living room.

Sierra walks down the stairs and says "Well Sydney, we need to get you ready. Do you want to invite your mother up to talk? Cameron and Nash can talk to your dad and brother?" I look up and say "Can Hayes come up too?" She nods.

Honestly I didn't want Hayes to leave my sight right now.

We walk up to my room and she follows us. Sierra says to her "You can sit on her bed or join us in the bathroom?" She follows us to the bathroom. Hayes sat on the counter on his phone with his hand holding mine. My mom sat on the stool not to far from Sierra, giving her room to do my hair. She says "You know Dee- Sydney, you look just like me when I was your age. Long golden brown hair to your waist and perfect skin and face."

I smile and say "Well now I know where I get my looks from..." She smiles and says "Yes you were a beautiful baby girl. I didn't want to let you go, but I had too...."

Sierra was done with my hair. She was doing my makeup so I was facing her now. I say "So why did you let me go and keep Ryan?!" She says "We didn't take care of Ryan when he was little. We moved to London after you two were born. We left Ryan with you, but your aunt came and got you guys, but they wouldn't let them take both of you so she took Ryan and you were left there."

I roll my eyes and say "So you left me for fucking London!!" She says "Oh I am sorry, but yes I did. I had a job back there. That was where we were from."

I look at Hayes and he says "That's why you have a little English accent when you speak." I look at him confused. I say "No I don't. He laughs and says "Sydney, you just did..." I roll my eyes and let Sierra finish my makeup. I stand and grab my jewelry. I walk back in and Hayes helps me with the necklace. My mom walks over and says "That is very pretty." I smile and say "It is very special to me from a special someone." She smiles and says "Was it from us?" I look at her like she is crazy.

I say "NO! You guys didn't leave me anything. It is from my boyfriend who has been here for everything. He is that certain special one."

I run out of my room and down the hall to Cameron and Nash's room. Nobody was in there. I curl up in a ball. My heart was hurting.

Sharp pains. Too sharp. I start screaming cause of the pain. Hayes runs in and comes to me. He lays me back and unbuttons my shirt. He says "Sydney, breathe slow. Calm down, your heart can't work that fast yet. Here take these." He hands me the drugs to take the pain away and make me sleep for awhile.

I take them and Hayes lifts me up on the bed. He covers me up but stops when he saw the stitches. He stops.....

He looks at my stitches for the first time.

He was hovering over me. He says "Sydn-" I cut him off. I take his hand and run his finger along them even though it hurt to do that. He says "Sydney I am so sorry."

I say "Shh.. Hayes it's ok-...." Then I was out.

Hayes's Pov:

I was talking to Sydney, when she suddenly stops in her sentence. She passed out. I gave her meds that would do that to her. I didn't want to give them to her but I had no choice. She was in pain and that was the only choice. Or I just let her be in pain for that time. But if I did that to her it would either make her condition worse or who knows what.


After the party was over it was just the guys, Sierra, and me at Sydney's house. My parents had taken Skylynn home when she passed out. They were staying at Cam and Nash's place. They were staying at Sydney's place till they left.

Tuesday she goes to the doctor to see if she gets her stitches out and if she can actually enjoy her summer with us. I want her to go on tour with us. I want her to get back to taking photos with Bryant. I just want her to be healthy again.

I sat in front of her door to her room saying all this stuff to myself. I just wanted my damn girlfriend to be healthy again. That is all I ask. God why did you do this to me? Why could it had been me and not her? Nash yells for me "Hayes Come On! If you want to get to the DMV before they close then let's go. Cameron and Bryant got Syd, Let's go! Mom and dad have a gift for you afterwards."

I walk into her room and kiss her forehead. She was wearing my hoodie and some sweats. He hair was in a side ponytail. She says "Hayes.. where are you going?" I say to her "Go back to sleep, I will be back when you wake up. I going to the DMV. It won't take long. I might bring Skylynn here for the rest of the day."

She smiles and closes her eyes. She says "That would be nice. Love yo-" She fell asleep. I kiss her cheek and she smiles. I cover her up with another blanket and walk downstairs to go get my license.  

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