Is this abuse or rape?.....

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** Hey guys it's me, Teylar. Earlier today I was in a good mood and said I wasn't going to write again till like tomorrow. But I am really upset right now and just need to take my mind off of things. But for all the girls out there who have been through what Sydney is and has gone through and are still living their life's today, I am thanking you for what you did and are still managing to live your life's today. But don't worry about me guys. Just worry about Sydney and Hayes. This story is coming closer and closer to an end, so enjoy!**

1 week after her kidnapping...

Sydey's Pov:

As I laid on the floor, the cold floor I cried my eyes out. I just wanted Hayes, that was all. My heart was hurting and I needed the meds. I needed them now.  I heard the door open and close, he was coming... No! Not again! Please not again!!!

He comes down there and yells "Devin!! Get your Ass over here!! Make sure you close your eyes. Or else."

He made me close my eyes before he covered them up with something. He didn't want me to see him or his face. I had been here for what seemed like years. It has actually been a week. I sit in here all day. No sunlight or food. I only get food when I do what he says. He doesn't tell me his name so I can only call him Sir. If I refused to call him that then he smacks me and abuses me.

Yesterday he refused to let me eat, so I didn't do what he asked so he whipped me. I had blood coming from the new scars on my back. He would force me sometimes at nights to have fucking Sex with him but I didn't. So he would hurt me. Weather it was with a whip or a knife. But when he uses the knife it hurts so bad.

Sometimes he cuts my little face and it hurts. But finally when I do what I am told and follow his orders he either lets me have food or water.

I have been trying to do what he says. He told me if I listened to his orders he would let me have 1 minute phone call with whoever I choose. I only had to follow him one more day and then if he wishes he can kill me now. I don't want Hayes to see me like this. My own boyfriend hasn't seen me this undressed and I have no choice with this dick. I cry myself to sleep. Sometimes I cry so hard that I get sick.

He says "Devin stand up!" The sad part is he calls me by my real name not Sydney, I prefer that over Devin. I stood up, eyes closed and arms behind my back like he wants. He puts a sock over my eyes and a new piece of tape over my mouth so I won't scream for help.

He keeps tape on my mouth all the time. It hurts so much. He says "Now today we are going to see how far I can push you to do what I want. If you disagree, no phone call and the whip." I nod. He cuffs my hands behind my back. It was cold. Me being here in only my under garments was terrible.

He runs his cold knife against my skin making me shake. I hear footsteps coming down. It was his friend. He says "So what we got here?" Sir says "Well just a little 16 year old virgin." I cringe at that word. I wanted to save that for someone special but not anymore. They were going to take it from me.

I knew it. His friend comes over and runs his fingers along my scar. He says "How did this happen?" Sir says "Not for sure she won't talk and isn't allowed too. But it was there when I found her."  Sir then says "Alright Devin, we are going to call your boyfriend and this is the only time you get to speak. Got it!" I nod. They dial the number... All I could wish for was for him to hear me in pain...

Hayes's Pov:

It has been a whole week. We have reported her missing to the cops but they can't find her. I just want my fucking girlfriend back! I lay in her room everyday and look at our pictures all on the wall. He necklace, ring, and bracelet sat perfectly on her side table with the picture of Skylynn and then a picture of her and me smiling and laughing during a shoot we had done. I would walk through her room everyday during her disappearance. Looking at every picture and checking everything and making it perfect.

I have been posting on twitter and instagram all over her social media and mine too. Her parents flew back to England but her brother stayed because he got a job offer. The guys have been going crazy too. We called the rest of the crew Jack's, Shawn, Taylor, and Matt to come visit too and help find her.

Suddenly my phone rang and it was Sydney. The guys hear my reaction and come to my room. I answer...

S- "Hello Mr. Hayes Grier..."

H- "Sydney!! Sydney!!!"

S- "No I am sorry, this isn't her.. but guess who it is..."

H- "I don't know but just give me back my girl please..." I could hear her screaming for help in the background. She said "Hayes, please help me!!!"

S- "Well this is.... well too bad not going to say because then she will know. But if you want to save her little ass then meet us at the top of the Hollywood sign tomorrow at dawn. Bring Sierra and $2,000 in cash."

H- "Okay just please don't hurt her anymore, she is everything to me".

S- "Hayes Please Help me!!! They can kill me!!! And there gonna rape me!!!" She said those words and I fell to my knees. Cameron had to take the phone.

C- "Okay we will be there just don't hurt her anymore please."

And with that he hung up. Cameron came next to me and said "Dude she is not going to get raped. I promise you that. If you know Sydney she won't let that happen. But hey we got to gather your dad an everyone else. We can't let them have my sister and Sydney too. Come on we got little time and a lot to do."

I nod and say "Just give me a minute."

They all left the room except for Nash. He says "Bro, have you and Sydney even done it before?" I look up to him and say "Dude we were close to but we got interrupted and I don't know if she is comfortable with that yet. But now that she has lost her virginity to some older guy she probably won't even let me kiss her."

Nash walks over and says "Hayes she will let you kiss her. But when we get her back she is probably going to be skin and bones. They probably aren't feeding her so who knows how bad of a stage she is in now. But let's get ready to get our Sydney back and bring her home safe and sound."

I smile and Nash and I hug. It was good to have him here. When Nash was down and needed help he had Will, I was glad to have Nash. Now if Sky's down she has both of us and Will too. But not all the time. The only thing that kept running through my head was "How small is she going to be and if she is going to let me touch her when we get her home."

Only time will tell.....

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