I can hear the bells....

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Hayes's Pov:

It has been almost over a month since Sydney had lost all of her hair. She has been going through a lot lately. Not being able to sleep at night and not wanting to go outside. Sydney... she has been keeping a journal lately, and all I want to do is look in it and see what she writes but she keeps it hidden.

I think of all these things as I sit here, my back leaned up against the head board with her cuddled up next to me covered up in a blanket asleep.

She has been through so much in the past month it is too much for her little body to handle. She hasn't been eating her normal meals at all. Sierra has been taking care of her while we were gone. We had to go to our meet and greet in Paris.

We flew all the way there and then came back. We were away for at least 2 weeks. Sierra wanted to go but she couldn't. We needed someone to stay with Sydney.

I had promised her when I got back that I would take her to Paris before she is gone. She is dying, literally. The doctor came back last week and said she won't make it through the rest of the Summer. She would be lucky to make it to fall.

It killed me knowing that my baby girl, the love of my life, and the one I never want to leave is dying and I can't do anything about it.

Next week if her health was good I was going to take her to Paris. I also had a surprise for her. I know we are young and in love but she will never get to experience these types of things so I was going to ask her to marry me and we were gonna get married when we are in Paris. Just the two of us.

I know it sounds crazy but it's her last times in life and I want her to live it up and have those memories forever.

As I sit there I feel her move. She sits up and says "Hayes I feel sick to my stomach?" I look up and she was pale. Then she was about to throw up and I pick her up and carry her to the bathroom just in time but it didn't work. She did throw up on me, but I was just in my boxers. But we got her there in time.

She was throwing up a lot. I called Sierra in and I sat there on the seat patting her back and watching her cry in pain.

Sierra comes in with the meds to make her fall asleep. When she stopped throwing up I carried her to the bed. I grabbed some athletic shorts and a hoodie for her to change into. Sierra helps change her into that.

I grab her things and hand them to her. I wrap her in a blanket and carry her down stairs and set her on the couch. She falls asleep right when her head hit the pillow.

I walk over to Cameron but she whispers "Hayes...." Very quietly, I walk over and say "Yes Sydney?" She says "Come cuddle with me." I sigh and cuddle with her, I managed to text Cameron and he comes and acts like me so I could go out and get the things that I needed to get done.

I needed to get her a ring, our tickets, and start arranging her funeral. She told me that she wanted me to start soon so why not now?


Nash had driven me to the local jewelry store so we could look at engagement rings and wedding bands. Sydney wouldn't be able to make it out to get me my ring and wedding bands so I had to get everything today.

When we walked in I talked to the owner and told him her story and he understood everything and knew just what to get her. He hands me this beautiful shiny ring with infinity signs going up to the main diamond. It was perfect.

Then I had Nash pick out the bands, which he did a very good job at.

After that was done I had to pick up all her meds for the trip so we had enough. We were not able to go back home and get more when we were in Paris.Then we stopped and got our tickets.

We had 4, Nash and Cameron were going to join us so we didn't do anything, but we would because she is dying.

When we got back home Sydney was up stairs. I walk up there and see her chemo bag hooked up to her. Cameron holding her in his arms and her pale as ever.

I walk over and say "Cameron what happened?" He says "Sydney went up to go to the bathroom and she fell. I walk over and touch her hand. She opens her eyes barely and says "Hayes..." I say "Sydney, I am going to ask you something very important...." I get down on one knee and say...

"Sydney Rae Dallas Will You Marry Me?"

She says faintly "Yes..."


*** Hey guys sorry once again, but yes cliff hanger but the story is almost over but don't worry everything will be okay. But I am warning you now, if I write the ending and she dies don't be sad, she isn't suffering anymore, but if I make her live then she is suffering. So don't hate please. I love you all and my chapters are shorter now because I am not updating as much. I literally resisted studying for a health test tomorrow to write this story. So that shows how much y'all mean to me. Love you bunches, Xx-Teylar**

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