Kalin x Yusei

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Yusei's p.o.v.

There was a knock on the door, I got up and open the door. "hey Yusei" "Didn't expect you Kalin", shrugs "wanted to come and visit" "Oh really" "yes really haven't seen you in awhile" "And you care about me why exactly?" "I always care about you" blushes a little. I blush "T-thanks K-Kalin" "n-no problem" "Guess I could let you in" "thanks", I step aside and look at my feet. Steps inside "you ok Yusei" "Yeah fine" I close the door, "alright" walks in to the room. "Hey Kalin" "yeah" looking at him, "I-I...um...". Looks confused, "I have to do something" I run to my room. "ok I'll wait till you come back", I close my door and lay on my bed 'Idiot I knew he wouldn't come after me'. 

"I'm so stupid" walks to his room "Yus I'm sorry"  "Your forgiven Kalin." "why'd you run in here" "First place I could think of" "oh what were you going to say earlier" "Um...that I love you", he smiled and had tears of joy while fainting. 

Kalin's p.o.v.

Yusei laughs "dumb dumb", I wake up "I'm happy" "Why are you happy?" "I loved you for a long time but was scared to say it" "Okay I can understand why you were scared". Gets up and hugs him, hugs back. Kiss his lips, kisses back. Deepens the kiss, Yusei moans. Pulls back and kisses his neck, "Kalin~". Pulls back after leaving a hickey and stripped his shirt kissing his chest, Yusei giggles "Kalin~" "are you ticklish" continuing, Yusei giggles some "Stop it~" "this is interesting" not stopping, "You such a *giggles dork". Goes to tickles his sides "I'm your dork", squirms and giggles "Yeah your my dork". Continues tickling him, "Okay *giggles* I give" "give me a kiss", Yusei gives a kiss.

Finally stops tickling him and kisses back, moans. "want me" "Gods Yes", strips their clothes and thrusted in. Screams in pleasure, thrust fast and hard. Screams louder and arches his back, continues the pace. Yusei cums screaming Kalin's name, cums deep inside him. "Kalin can you cuddle me", nods holding him and smirks licking the cum off. "Kalin that tickles", smirks and continues "your adorable". Yusei laughs even more, licks lower and tickles his sides. "I *laughs* give *laughs*" "what if I don't want to stop" "Then you won't have me for 3 weeks". Stops and laid on his stomach "babe" whining, "What?" "don't keep me from your cuteness" "Well I want to cuddle and get some sleep" "ok" snuggling into him falling asleep, snuggles into Kalin falling asleep as well.

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