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Priest Seth was walking around the palace, Seto was trying to find a way out of the palace. Joey was walking around the palace, Seth bumps into a blond. Seto seems lost, Joey falls on his butt "Hey watch were your gonna next time will ya!" "sorry are you hurt" kneeling down. Seto some how ends up where Joey is, Joey looks up at Seth and blushes "N-no I-I'm f-fine" "you sure your face is red" taking his hat off feeling his head. Seto looked shocked and confused, "Y-Yes I'm s-sure" "alright" smiling. "hey mutt where are we" Seto yelled, Joey growls "The palace you dumbass!" "your the dumbass" growling back and walking toward them, "friend of yours" "Not particularly" Joey says looking at Seth then turns his attention back to Seto "Your the one who didn't know where you were" "ohh so an annoying brat""what" Seto growled. 

Joey laughs "There's one I haven't heard before", Seto grabs Seth's gown glaring. Seth glared back, Joey rolls his eyes and punches them both in the head. "ow" they said then pouted at him, "Stop acting like idiots okay boys" Joey added a wink at the end. Seto blushed and was hard but it wasn't noticeable, Seth was the same but his was noticeable. Joey laughed "Man Seth already hard, geez" "can't help it when I see a cute blonde" he blushed, "was that a pick up line". Joey giggles and walks away purposely swaying his hips. He looked back at Seto and Seth "You two coming", they nod and follow. Joey walks to his room swaying his hips with the boys behind him, they couldn't stop staring.

Joey and the boys arrive at his room and walks inside the room and lays on the bed. Seth and Seto got on the bed and smirked, "Well who's going first". Seth kissed him, Joey kisses back. Bites his lip, Seto palms him. Joey moans, they continued. Joey moans louder, they kiss his neck. Joey moans and bucks his hips "More~", strips their clothes. Joey blushes, starts kissing his body. Joey moans and bucks his hips, continues leaving hickeys. Joey starts to pant, "how bad you want it" rubbing his entrance. "Bad~" "straight in or lube" "Straight" "one of us or both" "I don't care", they smirk and both thrust in. Joey screams and his back arches , "want us to move" "Gods Yes!"

Seth and Seto thrust hard, Joey screams in pleasure "THERE!" they go harder, faster and rougher. Joey keeps screaming and he starts to drool, rams into him. Joey cums screaming, they cum deep inside him. Joey pants, Seth and Seto pants pulling out. "Love you two" "love you back", Joey pulls them down and snuggles into Seto. They smile snuggling back, Joey lays his head on seto's chest and falls asleep to seto's heartbeat. They fall asleep.

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