Chapter 1

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"Wanda watch out!"I shouted as she lost control of the red orb holding our target, Rumlow sending him into the building we were standing under. Then the bomb he was holding went off, I used my powers to try and contain it but was hopeless.

"This is agent Ayesha Rhodes, requesting fire and medical to my location." I spoke into my communicator.

"Copy that units are on the way."

I ran towards the building but a hand pulled me back

"Let me go Sam!"

"Stop there is nothing we can do." He said holding on to my arm we watched as another explosion went off, and the sirens got closer

Three days later

I was working in my lab, I hardly left this place since we got back from Lagos. The official death toll was twenty but over seventy people were injured. I felt terrible we all did especially Wanda, who locked herself in her room. The cherry on top was that we were basically grounded, we couldn't leave the compound or go anywhere without approval.

I glanced up at the T.V, as King T'Chaka of Wakanda was holding a press conference about Lagos. There were five mercenaries from Wakanda in that building. What popped up next really caught my attention the news anchor began talking about Accords.

"What the hell?"

"My thoughts exactly." I jumped as I turned to see my uncle James Rhodes standing in the doorway

"Jesus give me a heart attack why don't you?"

"What happened out there?"

"He was an accident, she was helping Steve and she lost control. I tried to stop it but it was too fast."

"People are pissed."

"I'm sorry I feel bad, but there is not much I can do. What are the accords?" I asked

"It is an international declaration."


"Come on we're meeting upstairs." He said wrapping his arm around me as he led me upstairs. We walked into the living room where the rest of the team was waiting.

"You could've warned me Secretary Ross was here, I hate that guy."

"I know but play nice." He told me as we walked into the room

"Great now that you're all here let's begin." He announced I just zoned out because surprise he started the conversation about his favorite topic, himself.

"What does this have to do with us?" Sam asked interrupting his story about his heart attack

"Perspective is the point of this story. The world owes the Avengers an unpayable debt, you've fought for us and while many people see you as heroes. There are some who see you as a problem."

"And what do you see us as Mr. Secretary?" I asked

"How about dangerous." He said and I scoffed

"You all constantly push your own agendas, not giving a thought on how it will affect others." He said then began showing the aftermath of the attacks on earth that we stopped

"Alright that enough." Steve spoke up but Ross kept going

"For the past four years this team has operated without supervision, and that is something we can no longer ignore."

"We?" I asked then he tossed a thick ass book on the table

"The United Nations have come up with a solution, the Sokovia Accords all 117 counties have agreed."

"So what exactly does this mean for us?" I asked

"It states that the Avengers will operate under a United Nations panel. You won't jump at what you think is an emergency the panel will decide when you are needed."

"How does this stop casualties in a battle? We never mean to hurt anyone." I said and Steve agreed

"Exactly the Avengers were formed to make the world a better place."

"Believe me this is the middle ground." He said

"So there are worse alternatives?" My uncle asked

"A lot worse, the U.N meets in three days, so you have until then to talk it over." He said leaving

"And if we don't sign?" Natasha asked before he could leave

"Then you retire." He said then left us alone to talk this over

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