Chapter 22

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Ayesha in mm


"What the hell are you two doing here?" Uncle James asked again

"Nice to see you too James." My mother said I couldn't look at them, so I turned and faced the wall Tony got up and sat next to me as James walked over to them

"What do you want? This is not the time." He told them

"I came to see my father. Why did I have to find out about this on the news?"

"Maybe because we haven't talked since our mother funeral after that show you put on."

"Honestly, James you're being dramatic, how is he?" She asked I heard their voices get closer

"Come on let's talk a walk." Tony said in my ear and I nodded, I never thought how I would react seeing them again.

"He's in surgery." James told them as we walked past them

"Hello Ayesha." I heard my father's voice I turned to look at him, I just got pissed and I took a step in his direction, but Tony pulled me from the room. We walked down the hall I could hear the feds following I snapped

"I have on a damn ankle monitor, so stop following me!" I screamed at them

"I got it from here she won't leave my sight." Tony told them

"Can you believe them!" I snapped running my hands through my hair

"I got it Tony." James said Tony looked at me then walked away and James just hugged me tight

"It's ok to be mad."

"I'm not mad I'm pissed! Why are they here? They don't care about him! They haven't even spoken to him since after the funeral, and then to just say 'hi' like they've done nothing wrong oh my God."

"Ok calm down because the forecast called for clear skies and I just saw a bolt of lightning." He said with a small smile

"It's not funny."

"I know but we can't make them leave she is still technically his daughter. You've been strong for so long and you have every right to feel everything your feeling right now, but I need you to stay strong a little longer. Don't let them see you fold like this, then they won." He said and I sighed

"We're going to go back in there for the old man and stand tall like he would for us. Once this is over if you want to go out in the middle of nowhere to scream, cuss, summon a hurricane, I don't know I will take you myself." He said and I let out a small laugh

"Ok, for Pops."

"For Pops." He said then hugged me again then put an arm around my shoulder and we walked back toward the waiting room, Tony was pacing outside the door

"So, I talked to the orderly they have another lounge we can go to." He said but I shook my head

"I'll be ok."

"I really think we should go to the other lounge." He said pointing down the hall

"Tony it's fine really." I said and walked past him into the lounge to see David sitting next to a girl who looked a lot like my mother

"What the hell are you doing here?" I snapped at him he looked at me in shock then stood up


"Don't talk to him like that." The girl stood up next to him

"And who the hell are you?!" I said feeling myself get pissed all over again

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