Chapter 15

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I sat on the ship as we flew towards home, I had just pulled Nakia from her mission on her father's orders so she could be a part of my father's service and my coronation. In less than 48 hours I would be officially crowned king of Wakanda, and I really didn't think I was ready.

I was finally taking some time to grieve my father; I knew he was gone I was there I saw it, but I never took a moment over the past week to process it. Sitting here now with my thoughts I felt tired, with the heart shaped herb I didn't think it was possible to be this tired. Once I closed my eyes, I saw those grey eyes. Dr. Ayesha Rhodes I have been thinking about her more than I care to admit, the last time we spoke was the argument in the hall. I knew she was now traveling with Captain Rodgers. I invited his team to Wakanda, he accepted the chance of getting help for Sergeant Barnes with his issue.

"Are you ok?" Nakia asked as she took the seat next to me and I just nodded. She just took my hand and gave it a squeeze. I gave her a small smile once upon a time I thought she would be my queen but we both grew to a point to realized we were better just as friends.

"Thank you for coming Nakia."

"Of course, I wouldn't be anywhere, I'm so sorry." She said again and I just nodded

"My prince, sister Nakia we are home." Okoye the general of my Dora Milaje announced. I let go of Nakia's hand and I stood up and walked over to the window and watched as we flew through the barrier and I smiled at my favorite sight, the skyline of Wakanda. We touched down outside of the place where my mother and my little sister Shuri were waiting. We stepped off the jet the Dora gave me our salute.

"My queen." Nakia bowed

"A comfort for your loss." She said and my mother smiled she always liked Nakia

"Thank you Nakia, it is so good to have you back with us."

"Ayo take her to the river providence to prepare for the ceremony." Okoye orders Ayo bowed then led Nakia away. I looked at my sister

"I'm so surprised to see you here."

"I just came for the EMP beads I have a new upgrade."

"They worked fine,"

"How many times do I have to teach you, just because something works doesn't mean it can't be improved."

"You teach me? What do you know?"

"More than you." She said snatching the beads out of my hands

"I can't wait to see what updates you make to your ceremonial outfit tomorrow!" I called and she just flipped her middle finger at me 

"Shuri!" Mother called without even looking back she knew her daughter was a sneaky demon. Then I looked at her

"How are you feeling today mama?" I asked talking her hands in mine she sighed then smiled but I knew she was sad

"Proud! You father and I would talk about the day all the time. I am glad you are home safely."

"I had mission I could come back without the man facing justice." I said as we walked inside

"I understand," she said looking up at me

"What is it?" I asked her

"Something is different about you; I just can't put my finger on it."

"I'm just tied mama."

"You should get some rest before the service I'll have them run a bath for you."

"No, I just need to be alone for a while." I said then kissed her cheek and walked towards my room


Today was one of the hardest days of my life, seeing my father being laid to rest with our ancestors. It caused a pain in my heart that was so strong. Standing there comforting my mother and sister trying to be the king, the man he raised me to be. I accepted condolences that after a while they just felt like words, so many faces people from all tribes except the Jabari were present. I was relieved when everything was finally said and done. I walked into my room pulling off my robes I laid across my bed. I rubbed my forehead as I felt a headache coming no sooner than I closed my eyes my phone rang I sighed then pulled it out of my pocket.


"Hi it's Ayesha." Her soft voice came through the and I sat up

"How are you?" I asked

"I should be asking you that, Steve told me you buried your father today."

"Yeah it's been a long day."

"I'm so sorry, I know we didn't leave off to the best terms, but I wanted to let you know I was thinking of you today."

"That means more than you know." I said with my first real smile of today as we got quiet

"Well I guess I will see you tomorrow." She said

"Yes, I'm looking forward to it."

"Me too I can't wait to see all that Wakanda really has to offer."

"I can't wait to show you."

"I'll hold you to that, I got to go bye T'Challa."

"Bye Ayesha." I said softly then we hung up and I laid back onto the bed with a smile on my face

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