Chapter 2

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As soon as Ross left, the arguing began. Mainly between Sam and my uncle, Tony was surprisingly quiet Steve sat there flipping through the book

"Be real how long after we sign do they lo-Jack us like a bunch of criminals?" Sam snapped

"117 countries want us to sign!" My uncle said back

"If it was just Ross yes I'd fight, but this bigger than Ross, bigger than us!"

"But how can they just expect us to change who we are? Wanda and I were born this way, the very same government made Steve into what he is so what do they just want us to turn it off?"

"Baby girl that's not what they're saying."

"That's exactly what is sounds like."

"Well there are a lot more of us than eight years ago when Mr. Stark first announced he was Iron Man." Vision spoke up trying to calm everyone down

"So your saying this is our fault?" Steve asked him

"No what I'm saying is that there maybe some causality." He added making a valid point

"Tony you're being uncharacteristically quiet." Natasha said and I look over at him he looked like he had a lot on his mind

"That's because he's already made up his mind." Steve said staring at him

"Actually I'm nursing an electromagnetic headache." He said walking into the kitchen

"Who put coffee grounds in the disposal?!" He snapped then pulled his phone out and showed us a picture of a teenage boy

"This is Charles Spencer, majoring in computer engineering, 3.6 gpa. You know how he decided to spend his summer? Building house for the poor, guess where? Sokovia. He could have made a difference but we will never know because we dropped a building on him, while we were kicking ass!"

"Look as bad as this may sound and I hate to be the one to say it. Is losing a couple of people as bad as losing billions?"

"Really Ayesha!?" Tony snapped

"Yes! We have saved billions of innocent men, women, and children. I know lost I've been there so have you, and I'm not saying one life is greater than the other. Think about where would this world be and how many more would have died if it wasn't for us."

"There's no decision process to be made we need to be put in check!"

"You don't speak for us Tony!" I told him

"If can't accept limits and boundaries that makes us no better than the bad guys."

"We can't just give up, because someone died on our watch."

"We not giving up."

"If we sign this we are, this isn't us taking responsibility. It's just shifting the blame."

"That is dangerously arrogant," Uncle James said

"This is the U.N. " he added

"It's still just a group of people with an agenda, and agendas change." Steve said

"That's why I'm here, look when I realized my weapons were dangerous I stopped making them."

"Tony you chose to do that. Signing takes away our right to choose." Steve said

"We may not be perfect but the safest hands our still our own."

"If we don't do this now, it will be done to us." Uncle James said

"You're saying they will come for me?" Wanda asked looking worried

"No we will protect you." Vision said

"Maybe Tony is right." Natasha said and I looked at her

"Come on Nat." I said shaking my head

"I'm just saying we can still steer with one hand on the wheel."

"The question is how long are we going to be allowed to keep using that one hand." Sam said

"I need time to think." I said getting up

"Where are you going?"

"Back to the city, I'm not staying here tonight."

"We're not done talking about this." Tony said

"Well I am...I'm sorry this is so easy for you Tony you made yourself this way. Like I said before I was born like this and I've been judged and criticized my whole life because of it. This is who I am it's in my DNA, I can't just give that away." I said then walked out ignoring them calling for me to come back.

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