Chapter 11

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This was total chaos our team was totally divided I ducked as the ant guy who somehow blew up started throwing buses. I noticed out the side of my eye Cap and Barnes running toward another hanger. I looked around everyone was locked in a fight Tony, and Jay were trying to bring that giant man down, with the help of Spider boy or man he called himself but from the sound of his voice I could tell he's barely finished puberty. T'Challa and Clint were exchanging blows as Wanda and Vision were going back and forth, I flew over to the hanger I made it before them. They had dived under a falling air tower and made in inside I shot up a wall of lightning blocking their path



We stared each other down, he was ready, but I really didn't know what move I was going to make

"You're not going to stop, are you?"

"I can't."


"This was all set up by that doctor, there are five me super soldiers just like him and he is planning on waking them." He said and I looked behind him to see a black flash moving over the rubble

"Go." I sighed dropping the wall and they hesitated

"Go, I can only hold him off for so long." I said nodding to T'Challa who had just made it inside the hanger, but before he could get to his feet I shocked him I hurt my heart when he shouted in pain but I had to do this. I watched as Cap and Barnes got on the jet as T'Challa shook off my hit, so I hit him again causing him to fall to the ground again. The jet started up and T'Challa was up again I hit him again he fell to knees but pushed through it and tried to catch the plane, but the wheels went up and they were gone. T'Challa turned to look at me I looked away as he pulled off his mask

"You just let him get away!"

"T'Challa- "

"I knew I should not have trusted you!"

"Listen he did not kill your father; he was set up!"

"Liar I should have handled this myself. You are just like them!"

"T'Challa- "I started then Tony's voice came through the earpiece

"Rhodey is down we need medical now!" He said and I felt my heart stop I flew into the air and scanned the area I spotted them in a nearby field and touched down next to Tony

"Uncle James?"

"His vitals are low, but he has a pulse."

"We got to get him out of this." I said touching his suit

"Careful he landed on his back." He told me

"Where are the medics!?" I snapped causing the ground to shake

"Calm down," Tony told me, and I glared at him

"Calm down! This is your fault!"

"My fault?"

"The fault is mine I was distracted." Vision spoke up and I turned so fast a bolt of lightning shot down almost hitting him by inches

"Vision get out of here now. Storm calm down your powers are tied to your emotions." I tuned him out as looked at my uncle I could not tell if he was breathing

"Please be ok, I need him to be ok." 

We got to the hospital and they took him into surgery I went back headquarters and locked myself in my room. I need to get my emotions back in check it had been raining off and, on all day, and I know it was because of me. I knew this would lead to a disaster but instead of speaking up I let this happen. I was pulled from my thoughts by a knock at my door

"Go away."

"It's Nat, Rhodey is out of surgery, I thought you should know." She said through the door and I walked over and led her in locking the door behind her

"Hey how are you doing?" She asked I just shook my head

"Your shaking." She said and I looked down at my trembling hands

"I don't have a lot of people Nat, it's just me, him, and Pops since my nana died. I can't lose them, and I can't help but feel like this is my fault." I cried

"No, it's not this was an accident. Granted we were all being stupid but don't put this on yourself."

"If had stopped that plane, I should have stopped that plane."

"If we dwell on the what ifs we can never move forward. Personally, I don't think I would have don't anything differently."

"There's no coming back from this, the things we've done to each other the things we've said to each other. Tony still thinks he is right and Wanda, Sam, and Clint are in some high security prison and they're going to come for me too."

"I'm not going to let that happen we're still a team and fight or not most importantly we're still a family." I scoffed

"If you could have seen the look T'Challa gave me. These men are beyond reason."

"Well there one sensible man here for you, your grandfather."

"No, I can't face him right now."

"I think you both need each other right now so go wash your face and we'll go down together." She said giving me a side hug and I took some mental breaths to try and calm myself down

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