Chapter 10

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T'Challa came back upstairs with me and I showed him what we had, and he took over uploading his software

"So, we have a shot here." He said and I looked over his shoulder

"Already?" I asked and he shot me a smirk

"I thought you've learned not to underestimate me by now." He said then loaded the footage onto the screen

"Here in the downtown area," He said pointing to the intersection

"That's not too far from the airport." I said texting my uncle he took my phone out of my hand

"What are doing?" I asked putting my guard up

"Why should I trust you?" He asked


"You said trust you why should I trust you?"

"I have given you a reason not too?"

"You've only known each other a few days you could just be a good actress."

"Do you think I'm?" I asked looking into his eyes

"No," He said after a pause

"But I can still see the conflict in your eyes."

"I don't have a conflict."

"This is heading towards a fight with your friends, people you consider family that is a conflict." He said

"This isn't about me; do you want Barnes or not?"

"You are good a deflecting."

"And you are annoying, now can I have my phone back?" I asked and he took a step towards me and on instinct I took a step back and I hit the control panel.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he placed a hand on my cheek

"You talk too much." He leaned in

"Hey Tony, is- "We pulled apart as my Uncle showed up in the doorway

"Hey, what's up?" I asked him

"Tony is on his way back, and we found them."

"Oh good, we were close, they're near the airport."

"Very close I see. Come on he wants us to keep eyes on the airport in case they try to leave. Tony is 20 minutes out." He said and T'Challa walked out of the room and I went to follow but Jay stopped me

"What was that?" He asked and I shook my head


"That didn't look like nothing,"

"It was, it's not like that we just have an understanding that all."

"Understanding about what? Ayesha you barely know him!"

"Calm down you act like I'm running off the marry the guy, we're just friends I guess and if there was something more what would be the problem?"

"The fact that we don't know anything about him. Think about it has he told you wear that suit came from? How he can move so fast? There is vibranium in his suit did you ask about that? He could be dangerous and so can his people."

"They are third world county."

"You're a smart girl I know you don't believe that,"

"Look I trust him to a point and right now we have mutual agreement to help each other."

"Don't make promises you can't keep C.I.A has laid claim to Barnes."

"I know." I said looking him in the eye he knew I was up to something, for god sakes the man helped raise me

"Just be careful is all I'm asking."

"I'm always careful." I said walking towards the door

"I'm keeping an eye on you." He said

"I know you are!" I said leaving the room

We all when to changed once the group we sent to watch the airport spotted Cap, Sam, and Barnes. Along with to my surprise Clint, Wanda, and some other guy name Scott Lang we ran facial recognition he was a former hacker who did a year in San Quinton. I was confused as to who he was and why did they bring him in but I knew Cap would not put a civilian in danger so he must be able to hold his own. As I put on my suit, I really thought about the past week did we really fall apart like this in just seven days? We were supposed to me the strongest, most united team in the world, and all it took was a stack of papers to completely divide us like this.

I thought I about what T'Challa said about conflict and I can't lie I had my doubts. I didn't agree with the accords never have and probably never will, and something and in my gut was telling me something else was going on with Cap and Barnes.

I pulled on my boot and stooped just as my door opened, I turned to see T'Challa in his suit without the mask. I couldn't help but run my eyes over his very defined muscles, then back up to his face that was frowning

'Um try knocking next time, I could've still been changing." I said

"Forgive me but there's something I need to do." He said walking over to me

"What- "I was cut off by him pressing his lips on mine, he placed his hands on my cheeks and I wrapped my arms around his waist as he pulled me closer. His lips were soft, his hands felt so gentle on my skin, the kiss was firm but sweet and over just as quick as it started. He pulled back and I slowly opened my eyes to look into his brown ones

"Wow." I said and eh smirked

"I thought kissing you would get you out of my system, now I just want more." He leaned in again but I stopped him by pulling away

"This is a little fast isn't it?" I asked

"Um I-I can't do this I just got out of relationship, and we're supposed to be working! We only have like 8 hours to bring them in." He cut me off with another kiss

"I want to see you again when this is all over." He said playing with a strand of my hair, I opened my mouth to shoot him down, but he pecked my lips then left the room. Leaving me feeling like I have never felt before

"No Ayesha." I said to myself I was not going there I can't.

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