Chapter 6

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As T'Challa walked away from me, I knew things were about to get worse. His entire vibe was off, but the tone in his voice let me know he meant everything he said. He planned on finding Bucky and killing him. Normally I would alert someone but I couldn't help but feeling like I would be betraying him. I found Nat off to the side on her phone, by the time I reached her she hung up


"Yep he's going after Barnes." She said

"Great this just got really bad."

"What do you mean?"

"T'Challa is out for blood."

"The prince of Wakanda?"

"Yeah he's understandably upset but Nat he meant it, he's going to kill Barnes."

"But Wakanda is a third-world country, what resources could he have?"

"You don't really believe that do you?"


"I don't have any proof yet but I feel it in my gut Nat, there is more to Wakanda than meets the eye."I told her

We headed to the task force headquarters in Berlin, by now it was all over the world about the bombing and who was responsible. Something about this just didn't add up to me Bucky has been in hiding for over year, Hydra has fallen apart so who was handling him? My phone rang pulling me from my thoughts

"Hey Uncle Jay."

"We found Barnes."


"Bucharest, I'm on my way now."

"Do you need back up?"

"No stay where you are, I got the task force with me, Tony is on his way to you guys."

"Stay safe keep me updated."

"Yep." He said then we hung up then I went to find Nat

"They found him."

" I know and Tony is on his way."

"I know, who's leading the task force?"

"Everette Ross."

"Never met him who does he work for?"

"He's C.I.A, he's pretty fair not much to worry about."

"At this point I don't really trust any of them."

The next morning

It was almost 6 am when we finally heard something my phone buzzed and I quickly picked it up

"Uncle James? Are you alright?"

"Yeah we're on the way back with them."


"I'm sending you the footage now." He said then we hung up and my phone beeped a few seconds later I opened the message and began watching the chase that seemed like it went all over Bucharest. What peaked my interest was when the man in a all black cat suit ran Barnes down. His moves were quick and he really gave Bucky a good chase, until my uncle got there and the mask came off. My jaw dropped as I looked at an angry T'Challa

"Have you seen this?" Nat asked as she walked in with Tony following on the phone

"Yeah I just finished it, how far away are they?"

"They're pulling in now, Ross is putting you in charge of your boyfriend." She said making me roll my eyes

"Shut up Nat."

"I saw the love eyes before the conference."

"I just got out of a relationship."

"With a little boy, who cheated on you." She said as the group were escorted in she turned to face them

"That is a man, a very handsome man may I add."

"Wrong place wrong time." I said to her as the group reached us

"For the record this is what making things worse looks like." Nat said to Steve

"I did what I had to.'

"Yeah now Tony is here to be Ross's bitch."

"Dr. Rhodes can you please escort the king to his assigned office." Agent Ross said handing me his processing file

"Of course." I said then faced T'Challa

"This is only being done as a courtesy, so I suggest you don't leave your office."

"Don't worry I won't be going anywhere without my prisoner, now Dr. Rhodes please lead the way." He said with a small smirk.

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