Chapter 8

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I looked at T'Challa and pulled my hand back as the emergency lights came on

"Barnes." He said and I nodded

"If I told you to stay put would you listen?" I asked and he just walked out of the room

"I thought so." I said to myself and I followed him

"This way is faster!" I called leading him towards the stairs, I was on my heels as we made it to the first floor it was totally empty

"What the hell?" I said

"Shh." He said and I raised an eyebrow and he walked down the hall and I followed the closer we got you could hear a bunch of commotion. He stopped me and looked around the corner and saw Tony on the ground and Bucky had Nat pinned into a table as he choked her. I pushed pass T'Challa I shot out a small tornado at him sending him flying into the wall then I ran into action. I swung hitting him knocking him back again then he managed to get to his feet, and we were going blow for blow. Every move I threw he had a counter attack I threw a shot of lighting but he deflected it with his arm that absorbed the electricity, I frowned he took that as a moment of surprise and hit me in the chest which knocked the wind out of me the rushed me but I ducked then I went for a roundhouse but he caught my ankle I tried to pull away but his grip was firm, he twisted his arm the grabbed my calf and sent me flying into a glass window.

"Ah shit." I felt a sharp pain in my back I tried to open my eyes, but I felt the room spin and I thought I was going to be sick. I laid there for a few minutes then I opened my eyes and slowly sat up

"Ayesha, Jesus." Nat kneeled beside me

"Are you alright?" I asked and she frowned

"You just went through a glass wall and your asking if I'm ok?"

"I'll take that as a yes." I said starting to get up she took my arm and helped me up. I once I stood straight up, I felt dizzy, so I stumbled then I felt an arm wrap around my waist

"Come sit down." The very sexy accent said in my ear, I let T'Challa led me to a chair

"Look at me." He said then cupped my cheeks I felt my face turn red as I stared into his warm brown eyes

"I'm fine." I said pulling away, but he held on

"It doesn't look like you have a concussion, but that cut might need stitches." He told me as he lightly rubbed my cheek

"Here." Nat said, and he pulled away I took the napkin and held it to my head

"Come on let us get to you to the doctor. "Nat said

We were in the conference room Tony was pacing the room, T'Challa was sitting next to me as a medic cleaned my cut, I heard the door open I looked up and gave my uncle a small smile

"What the hell happened?" He asked walking over to me

"I'm fine it's just a cut."

"That looks bad."

"It's just going to be a few stitches."

"Seven to be exact." T'Challa added

"You're not helping." I said giving him a dirty look then I looked at my uncle who was looking in between us

"what going on here?"

"Nothing what are you talking about?" I asked and he folded his arms and frowned at me then I looked behind him

"You brought Pops!" I snapped at him

"He was worried, since the bombing he was coming anyway." He said and my grandfather come over

"It's not that bad." I started and he shook his head

"Look at your face, your grandma is rolling over in her grave."

"I'm fine Pops." I said as the medic covered it with a bandage

"For the headache." She said handing me some aspirin

"Thanks." I said as he left then I noticed Pops looking at T'Challa

"Prince T'Challa, or should I say King now." He said and T'Challa stood and shook his hand

"Senator Rhodes is it nice to meet you my father always spoke very highly of you."

"He was a good man; I am so sorry for your loss."

"Thank you, sir."

"Your highness, we have so papers for you to sign then you can go." Everette Ross said and T'Challa nodded that is when I noticed a pretty bald woman standing behind him her eyes locked on T'Challa.

"I'll be right there." He said Everette left the doorway and in came Secretary Ross walked in

'Oh, I hate him." I said and T'Challa smirked, I looked at my uncle and grandfather

"Can you give us a minute?" I asked and they looked at each then walked to the other end of conference room with the others

"Thank you for your help." I said and he nodded

"Your welcome." He said then I looked over his shoulder and the women who was making feel more self-conscious the longer she stood there

"Friend of yours?" I ask nodding to the door


"Excuse me? No." I said, and it sound so pathetic to myself he obviously thought so too because he smiles

"She's apart of my security team." He said and I looked at her

"She's very dedicated, hopefully she keeps you out of trouble until you get back to Wakanda."

"I can't make no promises."

"You're not giving up on this are you?" I asked but I already knew the answer

"The less you know the better"

"We'll be careful I guess."

"Well for Bast's sake I hope our paths cross again." He said then walked out

"Ayesha, we need you." Nat said and I nodded as I watched him disappear from my vision


I'm back! first things first Rest in Power to our King Chadwick Boseman, I have been heartbroken since I've heard the news. I have this story written down all the way through Endgame and I am definitely going to make time to get it out. 

#Wakanda Forever 

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