Chapter 7

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"Take a seat your highness." I said holding the door open for him, he walked in then turned to me

"Do you know how long the psychological evaluation will take?"

"Is that really all you have to say?"

"What did you expect me to say Dr. Rhodes?"

"Well lets start with you running around Bucharest dressed like a giant cat." I said and he chuckled

"Panther actually."


"The Black Panther has been the protector of Wakanda for generations a mantle passed from warrior to warrior, and now because Barnes killed my father I now wear the mantle of King." He said

"Your suit." I started but he cut me off

"You like it I designed it myself." He said smirking at me and I felt a tingling in my lower regions

"It's vibranium. How is that possible? Your father told the U.N that all of your vibranium was stolen by Ulysses Klaue."

"It was, I just told you the Black Panther has been around for generations."

"That suit is new, and besides that your moves, your reflexes, your speed, you expect me to believe that's all from the suit?"

"It is." He said with that smirk at this point I was ready to smack him he was lying

"You do know this put you under the jurisdiction of the Accords right?"


"Maybe? Wakanda was a driving force behind the accords, but that does not put you above it." I said trying to control my anger. He just smiled

"You are very beautiful when your angry." He said taking a step towards me, thankfully my phone buzzed I looked down at the message, then back up at T'Challa who seems to move even closer

"The doctor just arrived." I said taking a step back

"Good because my prisoner and I have a plane to catch." He said going to take a seat then pulling out his phone

"Do you really believe that attack solely affected Wakanda?"I asked, he started to respond when the door opened and Agent Ross walked in

"Congratulations your highness."

"What's going on?" I asked

"He just got extradition." He said and I looked at T'Challa and the smirk was back

"What were you saying Dr. Rhodes?" He said to me as Ross left the room

"I know exactly how you're feeling."

"Do you?"

"Yes my grandmother was killed in the D.C attack a year ago, by a hydra agent."

"I'm sorry to hear that were you close?"

"She raised me that women was my everything. I fell into dark place and I let the anger and need for vengeance take over."

"Did you catch him?"

"Yes and I killed him but I didn't feel any different it didn't bring her back."

"I can not let this go."

"You should try, you're a king now it may have come earlier than you expected but it's here. You have a nation of looking to you to lead."

"The only way I can return to my country and face my people is if I bring them the man who killed my father." He said looking into my eyes I could see the pain in them

"Dr. Rhodes."

"Call me Ayesha."

"Ayesha, she who lives. That's beautiful." He walked over and stood in front of me, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I started to say something but there was an explosion and the lights went out

I Won't Say It (T'Challa Udaku)Where stories live. Discover now