Chapter 16

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We showered and changed and went to eat the food was delicious I felt full and relaxed for the first time in days. We were sitting in Nat's room discussing our plans from here. We were not allowed to attend T'Challa coronation ceremony because we were not Wakandan

"What about the book you go from Zemo? I has to have something in it?" Nat said

"That book it dangerous we keep that to ourselves for a while."

"T'Challa has trusted us enough to let us in his home, don't we owe him the same?" I said and he shook his head

"You going to work with his sister in her lab to see if there is way to fix this, we'll keep the book as a last resort."

"Or we can just put me on ice." Bucky spoke up and we looked at him

"what are you talking about?" Nat asked him

"Put me on ice like Steve was, until it's a way to fix this. That stuff is still in my brain and you can't spend forever protecting me and that book."

"So, after all we've been through to help you, you just want to give up?" Sam asked upset

"I'm not giving up but for everyone's safety I think it might be best. You all have already put everything on the line for me."

"We will keep that as a last resort also." Steve said and we agreed. We were about to head to our rooms when there was a knock then the door opened and the general of the Dora Milaje walked in

"You know you kind of missed the whole point of knocking when you just walked in." Sam joked I smiled a little but stopped when she just glared

"The king would like to speak to you Dr. Rhodes."


"Is there another doctor in here I should know about?"

"Ok." I stood up

"Hold on what does he want with her?" Sam asked stepping in front of me

"I'll tell you when it becomes your business." She snapped Same opened his mouth to reply but I stopped him

"It's fine, I'll be back later." I said stepping around him and I followed her out of the room we walked in silence. We took so many turns there was no way for me to keep track of where I was, and I had a feeling she was doing this on purpose we finally reached a large black door

"Let's get something straight Ayo told me what you did to him. if I get the smallest hint of you trying to harm him, I will kill you where I stand."

"I would never hurt him."

"Say that a few more times and I might actually believe you. Just know my life is dedicated to protecting whoever sits on the throne of Wakanda, and I will stop any threat no matter how big or small they maybe."

"Got it, can I go in now?" I said trying to stay calm. Now I wasn't a punk by any means, but I could tell by the look in her eyes she meant every word she said, and she just might beat me. She opened the door for men then shut it behind me I looked around the giant room. It had the most breathtaking balcony with a view of the water. I could see now he wasn't much into color the room mostly neutrals tones. I heard a door open and saw him coming out the bathroom trying to clean a stab wound

"Oh my God! Are you ok?" I rushed over and took the rag from him and I looked at it

"That's deep, you're probably going to need stitches."

"No, I just need to clean it and cover it."

"T'Challa I don't think so."

"Powers let me heal faster, this one is deep so it will take longer."

I looked and wound, and some area were looking a few days old already

"Where's your first aid kit?"

"Bathroom counter." He answers and I grabbed what I need

"So, do you want to tell me how this happen?" I asked as I cleaned the wound on his very well-defined chest, I couldn't help but look at his 6 pack

"To become king the other tribes, have a chance to fight for the throne."

"One of your tribes challenged you? Well he's an idiot." I said with a smile

"M'Baku is not from the tribes around here, he's the leader of the Jabari they live in the mountains. They don't like the use of our technology they believe it is an abuse of the vibranium."

"Just tell we one thing?" I asked looking at him

"What's that?"

"Tell me you got some good hits in."

"I won the whole thing, I even showed him mercy." He said and chuckled

"Good." I said putting the bandage on

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked

"I needed a doctor, so I called for the best." He said with a smile and I rolled my eyes

"And in this giant place you tell me you have no good doctors?"

"None as beautiful as you." He said and I looked into his eyes and I felt that funny feeling again, but I pushed it away I didn't like feeling this way it made me feel weak, vulnerable. Like one look and I would do anything he asked.

"You're funny." I pushed away from him and stood up and started cleaning up then I looked out the window then back at him as he stood up also

"I wasn't joking." He said standing over me as he turned me to look at him, he placed a hand on my waist and the other hand played with the ends of my hair which was still half white

"So, you're not mad at me anymore?" I asked him

"Are you still made at me?" He asked in return

"I wasn't really mad at you; I was mad at the situation."

"I guess you can say the same for me. Why do you change the color of your hair? It looks beautiful in its natural color."

"It's too noticeable, my brown hair helps me blend in."

"You are too special to just blend in." He said and I pulled away

"You are laying it on thick. Look why don't you put a shirt on and tell me about your country the real story of your country." I said and he nodded with a smile. He went and changed, and his maids brought in food. We sat down at his table in his room and he told me about this beautiful wonderland Wakanda.

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