Chapter 19

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I didn't see T'Challa again until dinner, and I thought about it a lot, but I can't stay. As much as I want to but the doubts that something can go wrong were still there/ I could dive in and he would turn out to be not what I thought he was. After dinner he walked me to my room

"So?" He asked and I sighed

"Your saying no." He said putting his head down

"No, I'm saying not now, I like us being together, I like our talks, and I absolutely love how honest you are with me. I want to keep that, but I can't stay right now I have responsibilities too."

"Ok I understand." He said and I leaned up and kissed him, he wrapped his arms around me then we pulled me away

"I have goodnight." He said the peck my lips and went to pull away, but I stopped him and kissed him again

"Stay," I said against his lips he pulled back and looked at me

"Are you sure?" I opened my door and pulled him inside. He shut and locked the door behind him and I kicked off my shoes and he pulled me into his arms he kissed me. I pushed off his suit jacket as his hands moved to the zipper on my dress he pulled it down and my dress hit the floor, leaving me in a purple bra and panty set. T'Challa pulled away and looked down at my body

"You are so gorgeous." He said as his fingers traced the side of my body I felt weak in the knees, he picked me up and carried me to the bed. I helped him take off his shirt and one by one we removed pieces of clothing until we were skin to skin. He kissed on my neck, as he laid in between my legs

"You are so beautiful." He said climbing on top of me I ran my fingertips down his chest as his kissed me hard as I touched his hard on he moaned into my mouth as I stroked him up and down

"Stop being a tease." He said as his rubbed my clit

"T'Challa." I moaned as he entered me

I felt every nerve in my body set off as he began to move in and out, he kissed and sucked on my neck as he began to pick up the pace. He moaned into my ear as I gripped his back as he started to move faster, I felt my climax building as I moaned out his name again as I came. He pressed his lips against mine as he came shortly after.

He rolled off me after a final kiss then he laid beside me, then he pulled me onto his chest and just held me. I felt happy and that lonely feeling I normally carried around was gone as I listened to his strong, steady heartbeat and his fingers ran up and down my back

"You know if you stay this can happened all the time." He teased and I smiled

"And your elders are going find out and try to lock me up, you love me on the run don't you?"

"I think the king will grant you mercy." He said kissing my head and I smiled as we fell into a comfortable silence I felt at peace as I listened to his heartbeat

"Tell me about you." He said and I froze

"What do you want to know?"

"Tell me about your family."

"It's me, my uncle, and my grandfather, and my nana died a year ago in the attack from the fall of Hydra." I said

"And where are your parents?" He asked, I sat up and looked down at him.

"Why do you want know about them?"

"You never talk about them, are they alive?"

"I guess but I wouldn't know they gave me away when I was three and I haven't seen them since."

"I'm sorry." He said as he sat up and wrapped an arm around me

"It's ok, I've gotten used to it. People leave it's a part of life,"

"Death is a part of life but being abandoned by the people who are supposed to love you most is not. So don't try to normalize it." He said then kissed my cheek

"We don't have to keep talking about this." He said and I shook my head

"You've let me into your world so... Well my mom is my pops and nana's daughter I've never met my other grandparents. My powers are in my DNA I was born this way, with natural white hair and grey eyes and they didn't like it,"

"But your grandmother had the same powers correct?"

"Yeah but it skipped my mother, so I think she had some sort of resentment I'm not sure and my father was all about image so having this weird looking little girl didn't fit in their plans. I spent most of my time with nannies but it was never the same one for too long because they didn't want me to get attached." I took a deep breath talking about this stirred up emotions I buried for a long time and I hated dealing with them but for him I was an open book.

"The last day I saw them I was 3 and my powers had just began to manifest and I learned to levitate and I thought it was the coolest thing ever!" I said with a laugh and he chuckled

"My nanny wasn't there from some reason I can't really remember why but they put in my room and told me to stay there. So I entertained myself by floating all over the room, my door opened then my mom screamed at the top of her lungs causing me to fall and I hit the ground hard. I cried then I remember my dad coming in they talked to each other. I couldn't remember what they were saying because my arm was hurting so bad but they ignored me. Then my dad looked at me with such disgust, hatred, and just a little bit of fear. Then he grabbed me by my arm and took me downstairs and threw me in the backseat of his car. I was still crying as he drove me to my grandparents house and sat me on the steps and knocked on the door then pulled off before anyone could open the door. I sat on the porch in my pajamas my arm was starting to bruise and it was still hurting so I just cried."

"I'm sorry." He said rubbing my back

"My grandparents weren't even in town but my uncle happened to be on leave and he came by to check the mail, and found me. I was cold, hungry, and it turns out I had fractured my wrist when I fell. I had never heard my uncle yell so loud as he did when he finally got in contract with my mother. My grandparents rushed back from their business trip and I've been with them ever since. So that's my mess up life story." I said getting up but he pulled me back

"That's just the beginning of your story, that doesn't define who you are and don't let it affect your happiness." He said then placed a kiss on my neck, I looked at him and cupped his face and kissed him then I pushed him back on the bed living in the happiness he gave me.

T'Challa and I stayed up most of the night talking and other things. He was making it very hard for me to leave but I felt like if I stayed it would ruin what could be a good thing. He was slowly putting his clothes back on so he sneak back to his room but I kept distracting him with kisses

"Come here." He said pulling me onto his lap and I looked at him and he kissed me and I felt him slip something onto my wrist and I pulled away and looked down to see his beads on my wrist then I looked at him

"These are kimoyo beads, they contain vibranium and can help heal surface wounds, can be used as tracker, and most importantly they are used for communication." He said then pulled out another set from his pocket

"You just push this button." He said then they lit up purple then the other set lit up and he pushed on one of the beads and a 3D picture of us came up and I looked back

"Oh my God that's amazing."

"I want you to call me no matter how big or small I want to see you and hear your voice, and I'm sending a set to your family so you can communicate with them too."

"They can't trace this?"

"The vibranium makes these completely untraceable and as we speak, I have a set being sent to your family."

"Thank you." I said then kissed his cheek he hugged me tight

Ok so I suck at sex scenes so that's all ya'll getting lol. Please vote and review

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