Chapter 5

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I held on to her soft hand that seemed to fit perfectly in mine, as she gave me that smile that caught my eye the minute she walked into the room. I caught my father's eye and let her hand go, she looked at my father

"Please on behalf of my team allow me to apologize for what happened in Lagos."

"Thank you and thank you for agreeing to this. I'm sorry Captain Rodgers could not join us."

"So am I." She said as the announcer asked us to begin taking out seats.

"That's the future calling." I said and I could see a look of frustration cross her face

"Yeah it's a pleasure to meet you." She said to me then hugged my father again

"Give my regards to the old man." He said and she chuckled

"Of course." She said then walked away. My eyes followed her

"Beautiful young woman isn't she?" He father said in my ear

"What are you talking about Baba?"

"Sutlety is not one of your strong points my son."

"I just met her."

" I met your mother and we married a month later." He said and I just shook my head, then glanced at Ayesha once more

"Son I like the way you handle diplomacy." He chuckled, I sighed and walked to our seats knowing he wasn't going to let this go. We sat through the opening greetings, then it was my father's turn. I was standing by the window, when I heard a commotion outside. My abilities allowed me to hear clearly from this distance. I heard someone say bomb then I turned back to the conference

"EVERYBODY GET DOWN!!!" I shouted running towards my father I almost reached him when the blast blew me in the opposite direction. It took me a couple of minutes to regain my surroundings as I felt ringing in my ears and the room kept spinning. I sat up slightly dazed and I saw my father I crawled over to him and checked his pulse but I felt nothing. I picked him up into my arms

"Baba?" I said shaking him hoping to hear him respond but he didn't. I held him in my arms rocking back and forth. I was going through an out of body experience I heard people moving around us and talking but I couldn't understand what they were saying. He was taken from my arms and someone walked me outside the building. I sat on a bench as the guilt began to eat me up, I just officially taken on the role of protector of my country before we came here and I've already failed.


"T'Challa look at me." I turned my head and was met with a light shining in my eyes with Dr.Rhodes behind it

"You might have a mild concussion, I would feel better if you let me take you to the hospital." She said kneeling down in front of me

"I'm fine."

"You were in the brunt of the impact, I just want to make sure your ok."

"I'm not going to the hospital." I snapped, I felt something cold placed in my hand, I looked down to see my father's ring

"I was able to get it from the medics." She said and it felt like a shot to the chest my father was gone as I stared at the ring

"T'Challa I am so sorry."

"In my culture death is not the end, it's more of a stepping off point. You reach out with both hands and the Bast will lead you into the green velt where you can run forever." I told her as I felt my emotions changing

"Your father was a great man, and I know wherever he is he's at peace."

"That's what my father believed." I said slipping the ring onto my finger, my hand suddenly feeling heavy

"But I am not my father." I said feeling my sadness turn into anger and growing need for vengeance

"T'Challa the task force will decide who brings in Barnes." She said and I looked at her

"That's who did this?"

"You didn't know?" She asked then looked down then back at me

"You have to let them do their job, let me take you to the hospital." She said as she stood up she placed a hand on my shoulder but I pushed it off

"Don't bother Dr. Rhodes, I plan on killing Barnes myself." I stood up then walked away sending a message to my people

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