Chapter 4

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I woke up with my hangover in full effect and someone knocking at my door. I grabbed my phone and checked the time it was just past 10, I stretched then got up. I looked through the peephole and saw my uncle

"I see you, open up I brought a peace offering."


"Venti strawberry refresher with light ice." He answered and I opened the door

"Hi." I said taking the drink the I went to sit on the couch

"What the hell happened?" He asked looking at the hole in the wall

"David came by last night, and we 'talked'"

"Are you ok?" He asked and I gave him a look

"Do you think he would still be breathing if he touched me?" I told him he smiled then came and sat next to me

"You never told me what happened between you two."

"He has a two month old baby."

"That son of a bitch, I'm gonna kick his ass."

"It's fine apparently it's my fault because I work too much and I never want to talk."

"Have you ever told him about your powers?"

"No that's none of his business."

"Ayesha that's part of a relationship learning about each other."

"Who's side are you on?" I snapped feeling defense

"You have you ask?" He gave me this look

"Sorry it's just my secret and I'll tell when I'm ready."

"It's ok to let the wall down sometimes. You can't judge everyone on the level of your parents."

"They are not my parents, nana and Pops raised me."

"You're going to have to let someone in sooner or later."

"I prefer later."

"Have you thought about going to see my friend I told you about?"

"I don't need therapy. Look you're here to talk about me signing the accords, don't bother I'm signing."

"What? Really? What's the catch?"

"It's a lose/lose situation."

"Don't look at it like that."

"You said it yourself do it now before its done to us."

"We can make the best of this."

"This thing is going to get a lot worse before it gets better, you know that right? Cap isn't going to sign."

"Tony is working on that." He said but I could he it in his voice he knew I was right

Two Days later

United Nations

"Have you heard from Steve and Sam?" I asked Nat as we walked into the conference room.

"I had a layover in London, I talked to Steve but they're not coming he doesn't agree."

"Can you blame him I'm not 100% on board either."

"But you're still here you're making the effort."

"Someone has to represent us." I told

"How's Steve holding up?" I asked three days ago agent Peggy Carter a founding member of S.H.I.E.L.D passed away, he's known her since he first became Captain America

"You know Steve he tough." She said just as I was about to respond in came the press

"Don't leave my side." I told her I hated attention and as the filled up I started to regret coming

"Of course not....oh I'll be right back." She said walking off

"Nat!"I snapped she ignored me and kept walking I took a step back and looked around the room until I locked eyes with a pair of warm brown ones. He was so handsome brown skin, clean shave. He gave me a small smile I could feel my face get hot.

"Excuse me Dr.Rhodes? I need your signature."

"Of course." I said breaking eye contact with the man, I signed the forms and she walked away

"It seems neither of us are used to the spotlight." I heard a heavily accented voice, I turned and met the same brown eyes that had captured my attention

"Yeah I've never comfortable with the press, is it that obvious?"

"Just a little, but that makes me glad you're here Dr. Rhodes."

"You know my name?"

"You are the infamous Storm correct?"

"Infamous? No. That was my grandmother I can only hope to be half of what she was."

"I have to disagree, I've seen what you can do and you are extremely talented." He said I felt this weird feeling shoot through my body

"Y-you don't believe in the accords?" I asked changing the subject me gave me a small smile

"The accords yes. Politics not really, I believe that two people in a room can get more done than a hundred."

"Unless they are moving a piano." We turned to see a smiling King T'Chaka

"Baba." He said in Xhosa as the King placed a hand on his shoulder

"How are you my dear?" He asked pulling me into a hug

"I'm good it's great to see you again." I said to him

"I wasn't aware you knew my father." Brown eyes said

"Her grandfather is one of the greatest diplomats in the world, and one of my closest friends. Is he here?"

"No he's been a little under the weather."

"If you're taking care of him he will be better in no time." He said and I smiled, brown eyes cleared his throat and we turned back to him

"Allow me to introduce my son and heir Prince T'Challa." He said and brown eyes held out his hand and I shook it


"Dr. Ayesha Rhodes, I know." He said and I found myself getting lost in those brown eyes again

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