Chapter 9

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"Well look at the mighty Avengers." Ross taunted as he stood before us

"So, does someone want to tell me how the hell did this happen?" He asked '

"I mean you saw the building do you need a play by play?" I asked sarcastically

"Stop it." Uncle Jay said in my ear

"I would love one, because this seems like an inside job to me."

"Oh yeah because he went so easy on us." I said and Tony glared at me

"that and the fact two members of your team and our suspect is missing."

"So where do we go from here?" Nat asked

"I gave you a chance, you missed it black ops will take it from here."

"And when the shooting starts are you just going to kill Steve Rodgers?" I asked

"There are dead people who would still be alive right now if it wasn't for Barnes, and right now it seems like Rodgers and Wilson are aiding and abetting."

"Ross you're not going to solve this with bullets, you have got to let us bring them in." Tony begged

"How is this going to be any different?"

"Because I won't be wearing loafers and silk shirt! 72 hours that's all we need."

"36 hours. Barnes, Rodgers, and Wilson." He said then walked out the room I sighed

"My left arm is numb is that normal?" Tony asked

"Yeah if your having a heart attack or stroke." I answered as Nat stood next to him

"Are you alright?" She asked him and he shook his head

'36 hours is a short fuse."

"And we're seriously understaffed." Uncle Jay added

"I would be cool if we had a Hulk right about now." He said

"Not funny Tony." I said looking at Nat I could see the hurt on her face

"I'm not joking." He shrugged

"Alright we can't start fighting now." Uncle Jay spoke

"Besides do you really think he would be on our side?" She asked with a smirk

"That have a two-hour head start, but no plane or jets have left any airports." Uncle Jay added

"Friday is watching the bus terminals, and train stations. We're tracking but it's going to be awhile." He said and then an idea popped in my head

"I have an idea." I spoke up

"It can help speed up the search and our staffing problem."

"I have one too, where's yours?"

"Downstairs, where's yours?"


"Queens New York?" Nat asked

"You know our 36 hours have already started."

"Yeah I'll take a quinjet and be back in an hour two at the most." He said and walked out of the room and I stood, and Nat spoke up

"So, I'm assuming your person is a very handsome prince?" She asked with a smirk and I rolled my eyes and looked to see my Uncle looking down at me and I frowned

"Stop it! It's not like that." I said

"Hmm." She said I just got up and walked out the room. I made it down the parking garage, there was a black Lexus waiting but no T'Challa, I assumed he was still upstairs signing whatever papers Ross needed him to. He came out flanked by his team about ten minutes later, I started to walk over when the same women from earlier stepped in front of me

"Move, or you will be moved." She said and I gave her a 'try it'

"As entertaining as that will be, it's ok Ayo." He nodded his head and she looked me up and down then stood a step back

"I said our paths would cross again but I didn't know it would be this soon."

"How did you find him so fast before?"

"My resources are very considerable."

"Some resources, seeing as it took the world 70 years to find him last time,"

"We are Wakanda not the rest of the world."

"Can you meet us halfway? We're tacking but there is no way we can find him and bring them back in the time frame we were given."

"I work alone,"

"You want Barnes, you can have him, but I need to make sure my guys come out of this whole. Cap is a little blind right now, and Sam is loyal to a fault. Ross has only given us 36 hours before he puts out the wanted dead or alive. I need them to be ok, and the only way we can do it with your help."

"Barnes will be coming back to Wakanda." He stated and I nodded

"You don't need to talk to the bosses first?" He asked with a smirk and I chuckled

"Look I'll do what I need to do so you can have Barnes."

"And why should a trust S.H.I.E.L.D?"

"S.H.I.E.L.D is dead and I'm not asking you to trust anyone else right now but me." I said and he bit his lower lip then looked at me and nodded 


Please Vote and Review and I will post a chapter tomorrow 

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