Honesty is the Best Policy

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"You're heading out on another mission already?"

Haruki ran into Shisui one morning at the village gate, earning a grimace from the Uchiha. He appeared to be worn out and tired, but still forced a smile as Haruki approached him.

"Yeah," he said, scratching the back of his head. "I'll be back in a couple of days, though. It should be okay."

"But we have another mission together in four days," argued Haruki, worried about the Uchiha's current, haggard state. "Is this mission really necessary? Our mission is about the Kumo shinobi who attacked us before. If you're not up for it, I'll ask the Hokage for a new-"

"No, that's not necessary," insisted Shisui, clenching his fist as he turned away from Haruki and faced the gate. "I'll be back soon enough."

"Shisui," said Haruki softly, stepping forward and placing a hand on his shoulder. "You've been dispatched on mission after mission for the last few weeks. Surely you should tell the Hokage that he owes you days off as well. If you want, I could take on some of your missions for you!"

"No, it's fine," asserted Shisui, patting Haruki's hand. "I need the money. But thank you for offering."

Haruki's face broke into a look of confusion. Why did Shisui need money so desperately?

"Is everything okay, Shisui?" she asked concernedly, brow furrowed as she tightened her grip on his shoulder so that he couldn't escape. "Has something happened?"

"Nothing important," he said firmly, shrugging off her hand.

"Shisui, if you need help, just ask me."

Shisui closed his eyes as he took a deep breath, unable to take Haruki's pestering any longer.

"Okay, if it means you'll let me go," he sighed, finally looking up at Haruki. When he did, Haruki saw the exhaustion in his eyes, only deepening her frown even more.

"Shisui, is everything okay?" repeated Haruki seriously, her change in persona making the Uchiha chuckle.

"There's the serious Haruki of the Hyūga I know," he smiled, turning and letting Haruki's hand drop. "My father's health is deteriorating, and I need the money to pay for his hospital expenses. My mother can't work either, so I've been trying to support both of them for a while now. It wasn't too bad at first, but then my dad's leg started acting up and we had to take him to the hospital."

"At first? How long have you been providing for your family?!"

"Well... since I became a jōnin, I guess."

"Shisui," said Haruki sadly, unable to express the aching she felt for his circumstances. "Don't you have any other family members who could help you? It can't be easy for you. You're so young, too. You shouldn't be burdened with this kind of stuff."

"I'm old enough to support and provide for my parents the same way they cared for me as I grew up," said Shisui, reaching out and playfully hitting Haruki on the arm. "You make it sound as if I'm a little boy."

"You became a jōnin at twelve, Shisui. That's pretty young to be supporting a family of three."

"Thanks for your concern, Haru-chan, but you really don't need to worry about me," reassured Shisui, placing a hand on Haruki's shoulder. "I need to head off now."

"Only-" Haruki grabbed Shisui's wrist- "if you promise to let me help you."

"You don't need to. I don't need charity."

"It's not charity," said Haruki sternly, squeezing Shisui's wrist. "You saved my life. I'm repaying the favour."

Now out of time to argue with the Hyūga, Shisui sighed and threw his free hand up in defeat.

"Alright, fine," he surrendered, shaking his head in disapproval. "Let's talk more when I come back. Okay?"

"Okay. Have a safe trip, Shisui."

The Uchiha grinned as he reached out and ruffled the top of Haruki's head, messing up her long tresses and earning a glower in return.

"See you soon, Haru-chan!"

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