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"... maybe this wasn't a good idea."

Haruki and Shisui exchanged nervous smiles as they finally managed to calm down their four rowdy children, with Haruki feeding Mamoru and supervising Masumi while Shisui saw to the twins. While the group had been waiting for their food, the four boys had been nothing but noisy and fidgety, constantly interrupting any conversations either of their parents tried to have.

Sitting between Mamoru and Masumi, Haruki deftly cut up Mamoru's kid sized steak and fed it to him bit by bit- on the other side of Mamoru sat Sora, then Shisui, then Riku. Across the family of six sat their two guests from Suna, as well as Hiashi, Hinata, and Hanabi. Namiko had chosen to remain at home, stating that she was feeling under the weather.

"Kids will be kids," mused Pakura, nodding at an apologetic Haruki as she continued her meal. "It can't be helped."

"Even so, we apologise for the noise levels," sighed Shisui, still cutting up Riku's food into small, bite sized chunks.

"Say, Shisui, how has working alongside the Hokage been lately?" asked Hiashi curiously, earning looks of interest from Pakura and Baki.

"Boring. All I do is organise things, reply to letters, and make sure his paperwork doesn't go above a certain level."

"Are you the Hokage's assistant, Shisui-san?" asked Baki, raising an eyebrow as he analysed the Uchiha.

"Well, when you put it that way, I suppose I am."

"Very nice," chortled Hiashi, crossing his arms. "Look at that. The chances of you following Minato-sama as his successor are bound to be even higher now."

"Otou-san!" scolded Haruki on her and Shisui's behalf, not wanting her father to boast about such unfounded hopes in front of their guests.

"Whatever happens, happens," shrugged Shisui, grabbing Sora's cup of water and holding it to his mouth for him to drink. "I don't mind."

"Are you striving for the position of Hokage, Shisui-san?" asked Pakura politely, looking thoroughly drawn by this news.

"Well, yes and no."

"Such a modest boy," said Hiashi, shooting Pakura and Baki looks of reassurance. "He's got a good, high chance of being picked as the current Hokage's successor. I mean, the amount of missions he's done for the village, his sheer caliber as a shinobi- and now, being personally asked by the Hokage to assist him in the day to day running of the village? That's my son-in-law!"

"Otou-san!" chided Haruki once more, glaring at her father as she saw how uncomfortable Shisui was getting at being the topic of conversation. "Shisui's business is his own business. Let's not push it."

"Alright, alright."

"Say, Pakura-san, how are you enjoying my family's home?" asked Haruki after her father had simmered down into silence and turned his conversation towards Baki.

"It's great! And being able to train with Hinata-chan is quite the experience too!"

Haruki glanced over at her sisters, neither of whom had spoken a word since they had arrived. Even yesterday when Haruki had stopped by to ask her father about their plans for Sunday, neither of them had even come to greet Haruki.

"And how has that been?" asked Haruki pointedly, shooting her sisters a suspicious look.

"I haven't been able to train with Hanabi-chan, but Hinata-chan is definitely a superb kunoichi!" noted Pakura, nodding at her part-time trainee. "I guess it's safe to assume that Hanabi-chan is just an excellent a kunoichi as her two older sisters!"

"Hmm? Hanabi, why don't you join Pakura-san and Hinata?" asked Haruki.

"I'm always... busy."

"... right."

Haruki continued the conversation, but she couldn't help but notice the invisible wall that sat between her two sisters.

They wouldn't have made them fight... would they?

No. Surely I would've been notified.

You're the banished princess, idiot. The clan doesn't owe you anything.

"... kaa-chan... drink..."

"A-ah! Here you go!"

As Haruki broke herself out of her thoughts, she hurriedly reached down and placed Mamoru's cup to his lips, holding it for him as he tentatively took sips of his water.

Whatever happened, she needed to get to the bottom of it.

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