Double Trouble

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"Shisui. Shisui. Look."

With her Byakugan activated one night to check up on the boys sleeping, Haruki fervently shook Shisui's arms as she gasped facing the wall, a blank look on her face.

"Haru-chan, I can't see what you see," said Shisui, frowning as he stared at the wall and saw nothing of any significance.

"No, Sharingan. Look. Me."

Perplexed by Haruki's odd sentences, Shisui shrugged off her odd behaviour and happily obliged.

"What am I looking at?"

"Look down here. Very, very closely."

Shisui squinted, following his wife's instructions.


Both equally stunned, the couple sat staring at each other with their dōjutsu activated, jaws agape at the sight. 

As usual, Haruki was too lazy to physically get up and check in on her children, so she whipped out her trusty old Byakugan to do the trick from the comfort of her bed. And while she was checking up on her sons in their rooms next door, she had spotted something out of the ordinary within herself. 

There were two small, almost indiscernible chakra signatures. They were tiny, and almost easy to miss, but they were definitely there.

"Oh god," breathed Shisui, covering his mouth. "Does this mean...?"

"Let's not rush anything," said Haruki hastily, deactivating her Byakugan and prompting Shisui to follow suit. "Let's see how the next few weeks go, yeah?"

"Do you think Tsunade-sama gave us the wrong advice?"


"Do you think she gave us advice on how to have twins... instead of girls?"

"Please don't say that. I hope at least one of these is a girl. But even if not... I won't complain. Much."

"My god, Haru-chan... I feel so bad for you."

Haruki sighed as she deactivated her Byakugan.

"You say that every time," she chuckled, hitting Shisui in the leg. "Really. But hey, this means we're closer to seven!"

Shisui beamed and deactivated his Sharingan, throwing himself onto Haruki as he embraced her with a squeal.

"I'll have my fingers crossed that at least one of them is a girl. For your sake."

"You're all talk and no show," scoffed Haruki, shoving him aside so that she could dive back under the blankets. Shisui spluttered indignantly, his hands in the air as he struggled to defend himself.

"Well... I'm sorry I can't control which sperm goes up there!" he exclaimed, going red in the face at Haruki's unreasonable request. "I want a girl just as much as you do, Haru-chan! I don't know what else there is for me to do!"

Haruki opened one eye, realising how upset her husband had become from her playful words.

"I'm sorry," she apologised softly, welcoming Shisui as he lay beside her and cuddled into her side. "I know you do. It's frustrating, you know? We've had four opportunities and yet every single one of them... And if these both aren't girls, then... that's six boys, Shisui. Six!"

"I know, Haru-chan. I can count as well."

Haruki snorted at Shisui's sarcastic reply, wrapping her arms around him in a gentle embrace.

"And I'm sorry I keep blaming you. I know neither of us can really control anything, so I'll stop making my impossible demands and asking you to give me a girl."

"You say that, but it won't stop me from trying to grant your wish."

"There's only so much you can do, Shisui," sighed Haruki glumly, resting her head on Shisui's shoulder. "Thank god for your Hokage job though, am I right?"

"We still have a few years until then, so there's plenty of family time to be had before that happens."

"Do you think we'll be able to hit seven kids before then?"

"Unless the Hokage suddenly announces his retirement within the next couple of years, I have a feeling we can."

"Teamwork makes the dream work?"

Shisui laughed at Haruki's words, leaning his head upwards so that he could kiss her on the cheek.


Haruki closed her eyes, unsure of how to feel now that she knew she would quite possibly be carrying yet another pair of twins.

"Goodnight, Shisui," she said softly, earning another kiss from her husband before he lay his head back down on her chest.

"Goodnight, Haru-chan."

Thinking that was the end of that, Haruki was surprised when Shisui piped up once more.


"... hm?"

"I love you."

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