Get the Kids

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Although the visit Haruki paid her children during her lunch break was sufficient time to see that they were indeed doing well without her and Shisui, their final pick up time that evening still took far too long to arrive. As soon as five o'clock rolled by, Haruki left the Academy to see if Shisui was waiting for her outside the school gates as he'd promised he would. He wasn't there, so she did what any other anxious mother would do. She left.

Gotta get my kids gotta get my kids gotta get my kids-

"Haru-chan! Were you seriously going to leave without me?!"

Not breaking out of her stride, Haruki merely glanced over her shoulder to see Shisui bounding towards her with his arm outstretched, calling out for her attention.

"Yes," she replied swiftly, turning her attention back to the road. When walking at a normal pace seemed too slow, Haruki let out a sigh and looked back at Shisui. "Let's go!"


Leaving behind nothing but a huge gust of wind that messed up Shisui's already tousled hair, Haruki shot off ahead of her husband.

"Honestly," pouted the Uchiha, readjusting his headband and flattening his windswept hair. "She's never been that impatient to see me whenever I come back from a mission. Hmph."

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