Big Boy School

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When the Academy started again for the year, Haruki knew it was going to be different compared to every other year they'd faced in the past.


The eldest Uchiha boy headed to his mother with his arms held out respectively, letting her slip his backpack on and send him out to meet his father outside.


Haruki swiftly prepared all four of the boys for school, and once they were all outside and waiting with Shisui, she called out to Namiko and said, "Okaa-san, we're off!"

"Okay! See you tonight- we'll have shabu shabu and then fondue later!"

Haruki silently fistpumped with joy as she put on her own shoes and headed out, meeting with the five other Uchiha who had congregated outside.

"Alright. Masumi, are you ready for big boy school?"

Masumi looked up nervously at his father, who gave him a reassuring smile.

"Yeah," nodded Masumi meekly, reaching out and holding Shisui's hand.

"Good, good," sighed Haruki, wondering whether she herself was ready for this transition. "After we drop your brothers off, otou-san and I will take you to class. Alright?"


The twins and Mamoru all gravitated towards their mother, prompting Haruki to reach down so that she could put Mamoru on her shoulders and free her hands for Riku and Sora to hold onto.

"Haru-chan," said Shisui quietly. "Do you want me to take Mamoru?"

"No, no. I'm fine."


"... how wonderful! Hello, Masumi. My name is Anko, and I'll be your teacher this year! It's nice to meet you!"


Haruki and Shisui smiled as Masumi was greeted warmly by his new teacher, who had reassured the couple that she would do her best to ensure that Masumi wouldn't feel too overwhelmed by the pressures of school and the workload that came with it.

"Thank you again, Anko-san," bowed Haruki. "Masumi, I have to go to class soon, but otou-san can stay with you for a little while if you want."

Masumi's gaze travelled up to his father, who gave him two thumbs up.

"Yes, please..."

Haruki squatted down and opened her arms, a fretful look on her face as she urged him to come forward for a hug.

"You'll be good," she said, embracing her son tightly. "You'll have so much fun, I promise. I'll see you during lunchtime, okay? If you want to, you can come and find me outside. Make lots of new friends today!"

"Yes, okaa-san," came Masumi's muffled voice, his face buried in his mother's shoulder as he hugged her back. "... I'm scared."

"Don't be scared, baby. No one and nothing here can hurt you."

"What if I don't make any friends?"

"It might take a day, a week, or even months... but you'll always be able to make friends, honey. Just give it time."

"Are you close to my class?"

"I'm just upstairs from you, baby. Don't worry. I'll check in every now and then to see how you're doing."

Haruki held her son at arm's length, winking as she flashed her Byakugan at him. With a giggle, Masumi responded by flashing his back, making Haruki burst into laughter.

"My beautiful baby boy," she said mournfully, dusting off his clothes. "You've grown up so fast. I love you, Masumi. You'll be just fine."

"I love you too, okaa-san."

Haruki kissed Masumi on the cheek before straightening up, her hand on his head as she nodded at Shisui, who had been silently observing with Anko.

"I'm off to class now," she said, patting Masumi's head gently. "Masumi, see you at lunchtime, okay? Okaa-san loves you!"

Haruki excused herself from the room, giving Shisui and Anko a quick farewell before she disappeared into the corridor.

"Alright, buddy," said Shisui softly, turning Masumi towards the seats. "Should we go find a place to sit?" 

Masumi nodded, still staring at the space his mother had vacated.

"I want okaa-san," he announced loudly, trudging ahead of his father as he led him to the front of the classroom. Taken aback, Shisui flatlined as he sat next to Masumi, feeling like a toy that had been tossed aside. As Anko giggled at Masumi's remark, a dark cloud hovered over Shisui as he lay with his face on the table, hiding himself in embarrassment.

"B-But- I'm here!"

"You're not okaa-san."

Shisui felt like he had taken a kunai to the heart. He knew it was a thing for parents to have favourite children- which, thankfully, he and Haruki did not- but he was not expecting his children to have a favourite parent.

"Do you prefer okaa-san over me?" asked Shisui in a small voice, sitting up and looking at his son with puppy dog eyes. Masumi crossed his arms and looked away with a 'hmph!'


Shisui felt even more crushed, and let out a sob.

"Do you even like me, Masumi?!"

"... sometimes."

"What can I do to become your favourite parent?! Why do you like okaa-san more than me?!"

"Okaa-san helps me with my special eye and shows me how to use it. You just make fun of it and say yours is better."

"I can help you too! I'll help you! With anything!"


"Masumi," wept Shisui pleadingly, even though he knew this was a competition that Haruki had won without even having to be present.

I am not coming second place to Haru-chan!!

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