I Spy

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"... and we need some eggs, too."

Sticking out her tongue as she fervently scrawled down her family's last minute shopping list, Haruki dashed around the kitchen like a headless chicken as she assessed what they were in dire need of.

Namiko sat at the kitchen table, unbothered, with a cup of piping hot tea nestled between her hands.

"Formula, sugar, eggs, dorayaki for you. Anything else?"

"Haruki-chan, can't this wait until morning?" sighed Namiko tiredly, glancing at the clock. It was nearing 10pm. Haruki shook her head as she opened the fridge, sticking her head in to have one last check before she embarked on her quest.

"I've got to do it while all three of them are out," insisted Haruki, straightening up and shutting the fridge door. "I won't be longer than half an hour. See you soon."

Namiko passively waved Haruki off as the Hyūga hurried to the front door, slipping on her shoes before rushing out of the house.

Darkness had long since fallen, but that was the least of Haruki's concerns at this moment in time. Clutching her scribbled shopping list in her hand, Haruki braced herself to leap off after spending a couple of minutes dashing through narrow side streets. Knowing that the local compound grocery store would be closed at this time, Haruki had no time to waste to make it to the nearest supermarket within the general village area.

"Huh... I haven't done this in a while!"

Haruki's face inadvertently broke into a grin as she leapt off from the ground, launching herself onto the nearest building and leaping from rooftop to rooftop with absolute stealth and precision. Usually, she wouldn't leave the house without the children and Namiko in tow, meaning that they had to walk on the ground like ordinary people. However, now that she was alone, she took the opportunity to speed things up.

Haruki hadn't felt her chakra coursing so wildly through her body for such a long time- it almost felt like she was an expectant Academy student again, eager to see what her future as a kunoichi held.

If you had told nine year old Haruki that her future consisted of meeting Shisui, settling down, and starting a family, she would have laughed in your face and insisted that she would become the first female Hokage.

"Every young shinobi has dreamed about becoming the Hokage at some point in their lives," chuckled Haruki, thinking about how many children she knew who'd claimed that they would become Hokage when they were grown up.

Smiling to herself like a lunatic, Haruki took a deep breath as she inhaled the sensation of freedom, feeling a wave of nostalgia as memories of her days on duty filled her mind.

However, her moment of appreciation was fleeting.

"Who's there?!"

As soon as she sensed the presence of another following her, Haruki wasted no time in activating her Byakugan and attempting to locate the perpetrator. For a split second, nothing turned up on her radar, utterly confusing Haruki- but before she could register what was going on, she felt herself being swept off of her feet, and let out a cry of anguish.


Without another glance at her attacker, Haruki lashed out at them and tore herself out of their grip, leaping back as she refocused her sight on them.

The figure staggered backwards, letting out a small moan of pain as they gingerly clutched their jaw.

"Hey, hey! Haru-chan, what's the big idea!"

Haruki gasped as she softly landed on top of the compound wall, hands clasped over her mouth as she tried to see if she was hallucinating or not.


"Alive and kicking!" Shisui let out another almighty groan as he flexed his jaw, wondering if there would be any longer lasting damage. He had to admit, even though Haruki had been an inactive kunoichi for more than three years, she still managed to pack a lot in her punch.

"You- you have two! Eyes!" screeched Haruki, jumping forward and clasping her hands on his cheeks. She couldn't believe her eyes- she couldn't believe Shisui's eyes.

"Finally, right?" grinned Shisui as he snaked his arms around Haruki's waist, pulling her against his chest as he hungrily raked his eyes over her face and figure. "I can finally see you again in all your magnificence and beauty. I spy with my little eye... the cutest and most perfect woman in the world!"

"Don't scare me like that!" exclaimed Haruki, pushing Shisui and his sentiments away as she smacked her palms against his chest. "What if I'd actually hurt you?!"

"But you didn't," teased Shisui, kissing his flustered wife on the cheek. "You really ought to sharpen up your skills, Haru-chan."

"Hn! It's hard to sharpen them up when I have three children to raise, you know!" argued Haruki, nevertheless embracing Shisui and resting her head on his chest. "But god! Do you always have to let me know you're back by creeping up on me?!"

"Actually, I was on my way home when I sensed that you were nearby," explained Shisui, stroking Haruki's hair as they swayed from side to side. "So I thought I'd come along and see where you were going. I mean, look at the time. Where were you going, anyway?"

There was a malicious tone in Shisui's voice, and Haruki blinked to make sure she'd heard him correctly. The playful aura he'd held before had disappeared, and Haruki was unsure whether or not he was going at it again with his little jokes.

"Uh, to the supermarket?" she said, making it sound more like a question than a statement. Looking up at Shisui and seeing the cold frown on his weary face made Haruki nervous, even though she knew she was being a hundred and ten percent truthful. "Shisui, are you- is everything okay?"

The Uchiha gave his wife a small smile, immediately transforming the jarring appearance he'd displayed mere moments ago.

"I'm sorry," he apologised softly, feeling annoyed at himself for even doubting Haruki's faithfulness. "It's just... it's been a long time. All I could ever think about was you, and the boys. Did you miss me?"

"Of course I did, you idiot!" snapped Haruki, violently pulling Shisui back to her for another hug. "What kind of question is that?!"

"I'm sorry," repeated Shisui sheepishly, now going red in the face at knowing his doubts about Haruki's fidelity had irked her.

"Wow, I can't believe that you even- what happened to trust, huh?! I can trust you not to get yourself killed, but you can't trust me to keep my hands off of other men?!"

"Ah, no, Haru-chan, that's not-"


"No, wait- Haru-chan!"

"I don't want to hear it, Shisui! I'm going to go buy what I need, and then go home. Don't even talk to me."


"Shut up, Shisui."

"I'll make it up to you tonight!"

"Not interested. Get lost."

"Haru-ch- OUCH! Okay, okay, I get it! See you at home!"

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