Helping the Hokage

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"Okaa-san, do you know where Shisui's gone off to?"

"Hmm, I'm not too sure. Maybe the Hokage has called him out?"

Haruki sighed as she held Masumi on her hip, having glumly looked around the house for any sign of her boyfriend and finding no such clue.

"He shouldn't have been. He told me the Hokage specifically gave him the rest of the week off because he hasn't taken enough annual leave," mulled over Haruki, walking towards the couch and dropping down on it with a huff. Masumi whined and twisted himself in an attempt to escape his mother's clutches, resulting in her relenting and putting him down on the floor.

As Masumi toddled over to his corner full of toys, Haruki glanced at the clock. It was just past two o'clock in the afternoon. Haruki and Masumi had gone for a nap at around midday, and it was then that Shisui had told them that he would be popping down to the supermarket and returning home as soon as possible.

"I don't know what he's getting, but I hope he doesn't take too long," said Haruki, getting back up to her feet. "Okaa-san, do you mind watching Masumi while I get his lunch ready?"

"Actually, now that I think about it, I think Shisui mentioned something about stopping by the Hokage's office just before he left," frowned Namiko, tapping her chin. "Maybe something urgent came up while he was there. You should go and check anyway, just to be sure."

"Knowing the Hokage, he's probably asked Shisui to do something," sighed Haruki, dusting off her shirt. "I'll go ask him to make sure he hasn't been sent on something too life-threatening. I'll make Masumi's lunch first, and then head out."



After entrusting Masumi to be fed by her mother-in-law, Haruki bade the pair goodbye as she headed out of the house and towards the Hokage's office, mind leaping to the worst possible conclusions.

I really hope the Hokage hasn't suddenly dispatched him on a mission. We never even said goodbye to him.

No! Don't think like that!

Haruki shook herself out of her thoughts as she continued walking along, but she couldn't help but find herself wrought with anxiety at all the possibilities of things going wrong and not being able to see Shisui off for what could have been the last time.

Around fifteen minutes later, the Hyūga found herself standing outside of the Hokage's office, and knocked hesitantly on the door.

"Come in!"

Slowly opening the door and poking her head in, Haruki caught sight of the Hokage sitting at his desk behind a large stack of paperwork.

"Oh! Haruki-chan, hello!" greeted the Namikaze warmly, waving at Haruki over his papers. "How can I help?"

"Um, you wouldn't happen to have sent Shisui off on another mission, would you?" asked Haruki carefully, really hoping that he would say no.

"I didn't-"


Haruki jumped in fright as another figure joined her from behind, slamming the door open and making her arrival known.

"Heya, Haruki-chan!" greeted Kushina, nodding at the Hyūga as she marched directly into her husband's office.

"H-Hi, Kushina-sama..."

Haruki withered as Kushina stomped to her husband's desk, hands on her hips as she glared down at him.

"H-Hello, dear," squeaked a pale Minato, all colour draining from his face at his wife's entrance.

"Have you forgotten that we were meant to go looking for our outfits today? Why is everyone telling me you're doing overtime tonight?"


"For the meeting with the daimyō next week! Have you already forgotten?"

A fearful look in his eyes, Minato gulped and made brief eye contact with Haruki.

"A-Ah, right..."

Please help me, his eyes seemed to plead with Haruki, making her grimace at the thought of having to get involved in their matters.

"What do you mean, right?!"

"Kushina...sama..." Haruki unwillingly butted in, stepping forward with her hand raised in the air. "Maybe... maybe I can help you... choose an outfit?"

"Y-Yes! That sounds perfect!" conceded Minato, breathing a sigh of relief and mouthing "thank you!" to Haruki as Kushina turned to face her.

"Oh! Would you really, Haruki-chan!"

"Of course! Okaa-san is looking after Masumi, so I can spare some time and help you look around!"

"I appreciate it!" Spinning on her heel and facing her husband, Kushina wagged a finger in his face and said, "You're wearing whatever Haruki-chan and I choose today. Alright?"

"Got it!"

Kushina smiled and leaned over Minato's desk, kissing him tenderly on the lips.

"See you tonight, Hokage-sama," she winked, before turning around and facing Haruki. "Thanks, Haruki-chan! Shall we head off now?"


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