Three Bowls of Ramen

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"Haruki-chan, you said your mother is expecting. When is the baby due?"

"Two weeks time!"

Haruki happily slurped her ramen as she sat at the dining table with Shisui and Namiko the next evening, updating the matriarch on her own family's current situation.

"That's great news," smiled Namiko, looking towards her son. "Your father's also showing steady recovery. Good news all around!"

"Right?" sighed Haruki, zoning out as she guiltily thought about leaving her mother alone while she went off on a mission. While she wasn't alone per se, Haruki knew that at a time as crucial as this, her mother needed all the help she could get. And right now, Haruki wasn't being of any help by going off on missions and leaving her behind.

Seeing the dazed look on Haruki's face, Shisui cleared his throat and said, "Luckily you aren't slated for any other missions once we come back from this one, right?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, the Hokage gave me the week off so that I can help out my mother," nodded Haruki, bringing herself back to her senses. "You know, you should come and visit when the baby's born. We've already been told it's a girl, but our father's keeping his fingers crossed for a boy."

"Here, I'll swap you my boy," chuckled Namiko, earning a laugh from Haruki and a scowl from her son. "I'm kidding. I love you, Shisui."

"Thank you, okaa-san."

"Not even an 'I love you' back?"

"I love you too, okaa-san."

Haruki grinned at the pair's exchange, lifting her bowl up to her mouth so that she could drain out the final dregs of her noodles.

"How is your father?" she asked, glancing over at Shisui as she began slurping up the soup. "Any word of when he'll be discharged?"

"He'll be in there for a bit longer, but he'll be home soon," said Shisui, pulling up some noodles and emptying them into his mouth. "A month at the most."

"That's good!" said Haruki, finishing her noodles with a loud 'ahh...' and putting the bowl down. "Thank you for the food!"

"Please, have some more!" insisted Namiko, who refrained from getting out of her seat when Haruki shook her head.

"I'm stuffed," huffed Haruki, pushing her bowl aside. "That was my third bowl!"

"Right, right," chuckled Namiko, looking over to see how much of his dinner Shisui had eaten. "Shisui, you're only half way through your second bowl! Eat! Eat!"

"Okaa-san," groaned the Uchiha, face going pink in embarrassment as he mother reached over and pinched his cheeks. "Please. I need to eat quickly so I can go and rest. Haruki and I have to leave early tomorrow."

"Oh, dear, you're right! I'm sorry for holding you back, Haruki-chan!" exclaimed Namiko, frantically checking the time and apologising to her guest. "Please, feel free to leave! You need to get your rest as well!"

"Thank you," said Haruki gently, nodding at the pair as she got to her feet. "I'd say I'll see you after the mission, but I'll probably be too busy helping out my mother."

"Of course, of course. You do what you need to do, Haruki-chan. Thank you for joining us for dinner."

"Thank you for having me! It was delicious." As Haruki made her way towards the hallway, she flicked Shisui on the back of his head. "Sunrise, village gate. No later. Alright?"

"Hey, we may be equal now, but let's not forget about the age difference!" said Shisui warningly, earning an eyeroll from Haruki.

"You're only one year older than me. Anyway, goodnight, Uchiha-san! Shisui."

The sound of Haruki putting on her shoes and heading out signalled an appropriate time for Namiko to pipe up.

"I really like your friend," she said with a genuine smile, patting her son on the shoulder. "Really, Shisui. I'm sorry that things have to be the way that they are, but I'm glad that you can at least experience having a friend at your age."

"There's nothing for you to apologise for, okaa-san. I'm perfectly fine with things the way that they are."

Unconvinced but knowing she couldn't sway Shisui otherwise, Namiko reached out and hugged her son.

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