A Small Reminder

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The couple's vacation ended on a high note, and upon returning to Konoha, Haruki mentally prepared herself for the one event she had been anticipating with complete dread: Masumi's fifth birthday.

At Hiashi's request, Haruki and Shisui had chosen to hold Masumi's birthday celebrations at the Hyūga house, where all members of the Hyūga clan had been invited to attend. Aside from Haruki's side of the family, aside from Namiko, the only other Uchiha clan members present were Mikoto and her family, and then Kushina and Naruto there as the special guests. As always, Minato was busy, but sent his regards along with his wife and son.

Masumi sat above everyone else on the raised dais at the front of the room, all smiles in his magnificent kimono, hakama, and haori. On either side of him sat Riku and Sora, while Mamoru sat further to the side in his aunty Hinata's lap.

"Now that everyone is here, let us begin."

Hiashi stood up, prompting Haruki and Shisui to head back towards Masumi and sit by his side with one twin each.

"Today marks a very special day," announced Hiashi loudly, standing behind Masumi as he addressed the crowd. "The boy you see seated before you here is no ordinary boy. Uchiha Masumi, my eldest grandchild, is a product of the Hyūga and the Uchiha clans coming together through my eldest daughter, Haruki, and one of the Uchiha clan's top and most revered shinobi, Shisui. As you are all aware, this is the first time two of the noble clans of Konohagakure have united in such a manner, meaning that all four of the children you see here- Masumi, Riku, Sora, and Mamoru- are all very special children indeed.

"With Hyūga and Uchiha blood running through their veins, we have great reason to be proud of them, and hold great expectations for them as we head into the future. Masumi, you're the first in a new generation of stronger, more powerful shinobi, great shinobi who will prove the extraordinary might of the Hyūga and Uchiha ten times more than any of us ever could. We're expecting a lot from you, Masumi! Don't let us down!"

As the guests present nodded at the clan leader's words, Hiashi's solemn, serious appearance suddenly transformed as he smiled brightly and clapped his hands.

"Now that the formalities are aside, let's start this party! Happy birthday to you, my big boy!"

Everyone laughed as Hiashi bent down behind Masumi and ticked him in the sides, resorting to his typical playful grandpa mode. Light chatter began going through the room as people turned to their sides and began catching up to the person sitting next to them, all waiting for Shisui and Haruki to start the festivities.

"Haru-chan? Shall we?"

Embroiled in her thoughts, Haruki merely blinked as she looked up and saw Shisui crouching beside her, a worried expression on his face as he tugged at her sleeve.

"Are you okay?" he asked softly, shifting so that he was positioned before his wife's front and obscuring her from the crowd. Blinking rapidly, Haruki nodded and released Sora from her lap, letting him run off to join Hanabi and Hinata at the front.

"Let's talk after," reassured the Uchiha, squeezing Haruki's thigh in encouragement and straightening up. "Shall we?"

Haruki forced a smile, taking Shisui's hand as he offered to help her up.

Even though she tried hard to focus on the event at hand, Haruki's mind trailed off to her eighteenth birthday, when Hiashi had made similar comments about her.

As you all know, Haruki has been working extremely hard towards becoming a respectable clan heiress whom you may all come to admire and see fit as your clan leader in the future. She has shown amazing prowess as a kunoichi, as well as extreme loyalty and concern towards the betterment of the clan. I am proud to announce to you all today that my Haruki is now a woman, a woman who will strive to prove to you all that she is worthy of the title of clan leader.

Haruki, we're all anticipating what you'll show us in the future.

Don't let us down.

"... Haru-chan, would you like to make the announcement?"


Snapped out of her thoughts, Haruki barely realised she was standing up with Shisui and addressing the crowd. Shisui shot her a comforting look, reaching out and taking her hand in his as she cleared her head and hastily added, "O-Oh! Yes! Also, this is the year Masumi will be entering the Academy! We hope he'll make everyone just as proud as he makes us! Thank you all for your love and support!"

A collective cheer followed by a smattering of applause resonated throughout the room, but Haruki could only stare sadly at the back of her eldest son.

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