The Cursed Letter

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"Haruki! Come here!"


After Haruki had put Hinata and Hanabi into bed, she rushed down from their room to the kitchen, where her father sat at the dining table with a sheet of paper in his hands.

"Yes, otou-san?" asked Haruki as she strode into the room, standing across from her father as he faced her with a frown.

"I received a letter from Uchiha Fugaku, thanking me for sending you to represent our clan at the funeral of a man named Uchiha Masumi. How did that happen?"

"He was Shisui's father," answered Haruki quietly, remaining still as she struggled not to lose her cool. "I attended because Shisui is my friend."

"Friend? Really?"

Hiashi held up the letter to his face as he read out its contents to Haruki.

"'And thank you, also, for your daughter's immense involvement in the funeral preparations. Her presence at the wake proved to be a comfort to both Namiko and Shisui, the wife and son Masumi left behind. I wish your daughter and Shisui all the best for the future, and am relieved that she is there to comfort him in his time of need.' Haruki, what... future, exactly, is he talking about?"

Haruki fidgeted with her hands behind her back, racking through her brains as to how she was going to avoid this interrogation.

Goddamnit, Fugaku! Why?!

"I guess he wants us to keep being friends in the future?"

Hiashi slammed his fist down onto the table, throwing the paper aside as he glared at his daughter.

"Don't lie to me, Haruki!" he spat, getting to his feet. "Are you and this Uchiha boy dating?!"

"Y-yes, otou-san."

Hiashi closed his eyes and took a deep breath, unable to voice his aversion at this news.

"I cannot believe you," he hissed with an exhale. "I know things have been hard for you since your mother passed, but this?!"

"Please, otou-san, it's not as bad as you think," pleaded Haruki desperately, not wishing to see how her father would react to the news. "Please, Shisui is a-"

"I don't care about him! I care about you sneaking around my back, making a fool out of me! How many other people found out about your relationship before I did, huh?! The whole village?"

"Please, otou-san... only a few of our colleagues knew..."

"Colleagues, huh? So these colleagues of yours were more worthy of knowing than I was? Colleagues? Not even friends?"

"Otou-san, we kept it hidden because we knew you'd react like this," said Haruki, watching anxiously as her father began pacing around the kitchen. "I'm sorry I never told you earlier. I was scared that you would forbid me from seeing Shisui again. Which is kind of hard, because we work together occasionally."

Hiashi pinched the bridge of his nose, a vein on his forehead visible as he mulled over his daughter's words.

"... just as well I began training your sister," he muttered. "Who knows what you'll do?"


"You're bound to do something. Your emotions for this boy will eventually take over you, and you'll be nothing but a lovestruck puppy catering to his every beck and call."

"I- what?!"

"Just- just go, Haruki," said Hiashi weakly, waving his daughter away. "Out of my sight. You can continue seeing this boy, but as soon as you step out of line, that'll be the end of it."

"Of course, otou-san! We won't do anything stupid!"

"Go to bed."

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