For Life

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In early August, the village was alive with festivities to celebrate summer, meaning it was the perfect excuse for Shisui and Haruki to don traditional yukata and walk through the streets to check out all the stalls that had popped up specifically for the festival.

"You look so beautiful," commented the Uchiha as he and Haruki strolled down the village's main road, holding hands as they passed by multitudes of other people. Haruki chuckled and playfully hit him in the side, replying, "You don't look too bad yourself, Uchiha-san."

"Haru-chan!" whined Shisui, making Haruki laugh at his expected response.

"I was just teasing. The festival this year is really nice, isn't it?"

"Yeah," said Shisui softly, turning his attention back to the road. "And it's the first festival where we can actually enjoy it together."

"Huh, I never really thought about it like that. You're right, though."

"I'm sorry for missing your birthday... and our anniversary," mumbled Shisui sheepishly, who had constantly been in and out of Konoha ever since April. "I'll make it up to you."

"You don't have to," reassured Haruki, squeezing Shisui's hand as she swung their arms back and forth. "There's always next year. I'm just grateful to be able to spend any day with you."

Shisui grimaced, knowing that Haruki's patience was extraordinary. Since they had first started dating, she had to endure weeks, and sometimes months, on end of him being away on missions all the time. While she believed he was simply running off on ordinary missions for the Hokage, Shisui felt guilty for withholding the scale of how dangerous they actually were. 

Of course, just like every other mission, there was a risk of something happening to a shinobi while they were out on the field, but in Shisui's case, the more intense his missions for the Anbu became, the greater the risk became of him failing to return home alive.

"So am I," mumbled Shisui, leading Haruki to an area where there were less people crowded around the stalls set up on either side of the road. "Haruki, I need to tell you something."

Haruki's heart dropped at Shisui's words, and she braced herself for the worst.

Oh my god... is he breaking up with me?!


Shisui chuckled at the high pitched tone Haruki answered him with, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Why do you sound so nervous?" he mused, making Haruki's face go pink.

"Are you not breaking up with me?"

"What? What gave you that idea?!"

"I need to tell you something. That sounds like the precursor to an 'I want to break up with you,' don't you think?"

"Haru-chan, don't be absurd!" exclaimed Shisui, unable to fathom even the thought of parting ways with Haruki. "No way! You're stuck with me for life!"

As Haruki sighed in relief, Shisui quickly added, "You know, if you want to be. Stuck with me. For life."

"What did you need to tell me, Shisui?" asked Haruki gently, brushing past his earlier comment.

"Oh- yes. Yes. Um." Shisui cleared his throat, unsure of how Haruki would take the news. Ensuring that no one was paying attention to them, he lowered his voice and said, "I'm an Anbu. And I've been one for a while now."

Haruki's eyes widened a little, but overall, she didn't look too fazed by the news.

"Ah, oh- okay. But isn't that meant to be classified information?"

"I needed to tell you," sighed Shisui glumly. "Not even my mother knows. But you know the risks that come with being a member, don't you?"

"Naturally. But why are you telling me?"

"Because I can't keep on pretending like every mission I get sent on will be fine and dandy, and that I'll be able to safely return home every time," grimaced Shisui. "I hate to think of what would happen to you if one day I just... didn't come back."

Haruki nodded with a frown, empathetic of her boyfriend's dilemma. She wasn't surprised by the news that Shisui was an Anbu, or that he had hid it from her for who knows how long. Rather, she was surprised that he had actually decided to entrust her with the knowledge.

"I understand, Shisui."

"You're not mad?"

"About what?"

"Well... about hiding it from you."

"Shisui, even I know that the first rule of being a member is to not expose your identity. It was your duty. I understand. Thank you for telling me, though." 

"And, I actually have something I want to ask of you..."


"If something does happen to me... could you, maybe... please, look after okaa-san?"

Haruki smiled, nodding at her meek boyfriend.

"Without a doubt. Don't worry, Shisui. Your secret is safe with me."

Shisui let out a deep breath, fanning himself with his free hand as he did so.

"Thank you so much, Haru-chan."

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