Princess of Konoha

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"Excuse me. Do you mind if I sit here?"

"Not at all!"

Haruki opened one eye as she heard a feminine voice speaking to Shisui, and looked over to see a woman wearing a black one piece bathing suit with black shoulder length hair asking if she could sit next to him.

Currently, the pair were lounging at the side of the ship's pool on their own folding seats, unapologetically sipping away at their mojitos and lying in the sun while simply enjoying the warmth that it offered. Wearing her red bikini top and matching swim short set, Haruki hadn't felt this exposed since... well, ever. As for Shisui, well... Shisui never had any qualms about going shirtless anywhere.

"Wait a second... do I know you?"

Haruki turned her full attention to Shisui as she saw him sit up and address the woman, whose eyes widened in surprise as she nervously pointed at herself.


"Are you from Konoha?" blurted out Shisui, leaning forward and narrowing his eyes at the woman as he analysed her skeptically.

"Yeah, I am... and you?"

Shisui let out a loud gasp and clicked his fingers, turning over excitedly to Haruki and saying, "Haru-chan, this is Shizune!"


Haruki and the woman supposedly named Shizune exchanged confounded shrugs, with Shisui adding, "Shizu-nee, you don't remember me?!"

"Shizu... wait, Shisui?!"

"I'm lost," interjected Haruki, watching warily as the pair seemed to refamiliarise themselves.

"Haru-chan, Shizu-nee was one of my seniors when I was a genin!" explained Shisui fervently, reaching over and grabbing Haruki's leg so that he could shake it out of excitement.

"Oh! Small world, huh?" grinned Haruki.

"Yes, I'm afraid. Sadly, he advanced to chūnin and jōnin rank before I did. He's always been... well, him," trailed off Shizune, making Haruki laugh while Shisui pouted in complaint.

"Hey, hey, Shizu-nee! What do you mean like 'him'?!"

"Shh, Shisui, she's got a point," snorted Haruki, smacking his hand away from her leg as she looked over at her husband's acquaintance. "I've never really seen you around the village, what area do you work in?"

"Actually, I left the village a few years ago," said Shizune, earning a nod from Shisui. "I've been travelling with my mentor ever since."

"Sounds exciting! Who are they?"

"That would be me."

All three heads turned in the direction of the booming female voice who had just joined their conversation, facing a busty blonde woman wearing a light tan bathing suit and an opaque sarong. Under her arm she held what appeared a little pink pig wearing a pearl necklace and red jacket, catching both Haruki and Shisui by surprise.

"Ah, it's nice to meet you," said Haruki hastily, trying not to stare at the woman's choice of pet as she seated herself in the chair on Shizune's opposite side.

"Haru-chan, you're looking at royalty," whispered Shisui loudly, nudging his wife. "This is Tsunade-sama. She's the grand-daughter of the First Hokage, the niece of the Second, and a student of the Third! She's the Princess of Konoha!"

"That's a lot of Hokage," whispered back Haruki, watching as Tsunade sat with her pet pig and began discussing something with Shizune.

"She's said to be the best and most powerful kunoichi in the world," added Shisui, in turn adding to Haruki's curiosity of the woman she had never heard of prior to this meeting. "If you have any questions about medical ninjutsu in particular, she's definitely the one you'd want to ask!"

"Do you think she'd have any advice on how to conceive a girl?!"

"You won't know until you ask!"

𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 | shisui uchihaWhere stories live. Discover now